Annual Report 2023

8 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited FINANCIAL AND OPERATIONAL HIGHLIGHTS For the Year Ended 31 December 2023 Unit 2023 2022 (Restated) Increase/ (Decrease) Financial Highlights Revenue HK$ million 7,884.8 6,607.2 19.3% – Fare revenue HK$ million 7,504.8 6,286.4 19.4% – Media sales revenue HK$ million 291.7 264.5 10.3% – Gross rentals from investment properties HK$ million 88.3 56.3 56.8% Profit from operations HK$ million 214.6 38.6 456.0% Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company HK$ million 401.7 549.0 (26.8%) Underlying profit HK$ million 114.3 100.4 13.8% (profit for the year, excluding the effect of the fair value changes on investment properties and investment property under development) Earnings per share HK$ 0.83 1.17 (29.1%) Ordinary dividends per share HK$ 0.80 0.50 60.0% Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company HK$ million 16,405.6 16,087.0 2.0% Total assets HK$ million 24,187.1 23,904.4 1.2% Net borrowings HK$ million 2,984.3 2,725.0 9.5% Cash generated from operations HK$ million 1,420.6 809.1 75.6% Key Financial Ratios Profit margin 5.1% 8.3% (3.2%) points EBITDA margin 21.2% 24.3% (3.1%) points Return on equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 2.4% 3.4% (1.0%) points Gearing ratio 18.2% 16.9% 1.3% points (ratio of net borrowings to total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company) Current ratio Times 1.04 1.07 (2.8%) Share price per share at year-end HK$ 9.42 11.38 (17.2%) Operational Highlights Hong Kong Franchised Public Bus Operations: Average number of passenger trips per day Million trips 2.65 2.29 15.7% Number of licensed buses at year-end 4,340 4,301 0.9% Number of staff at year-end 12,355 12,837 (3.8%) Average number of staff per licensed bus at year-end 2.85 2.98 (4.4%) Hong Kong Non-franchised Transport Operations: Number of licensed buses at year-end 436 411 6.1% Number of staff at year-end 672 729 (7.8%) China Mainland Transport Operations: Number of licensed buses at year-end 5,004 5,684 (12.0%) Number of taxis and vehicles for rental at year-end 10,778 9,473 13.8%