Annual Report 2023

149 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Engagement with Stakeholders Shareholders The Company had 3,572 registered shareholders as of 31 December 2023. The shareholders comprise individual shareholders, institutional investors, and individuals and organisations holding shares via financial intermediaries such as nominees, investment funds and the Central Clearing and Settlement System (“CCASS”) of Hong Kong. The names of the shareholders holding 5% or more of the shares of the Company as of 31 December 2023, other than those who are also the Directors of the Company, are disclosed in the Report of the Directors on page 178 of this Annual Report. The largest single shareholder of the Company is Sun Hung Kai Properties Limited, which retains an equity interest of about 42.75% in the Company. As of 31 December 2023, the shareholding distribution of the Company was as follows: Size of registered shareholding Number of shareholders % of shareholders Number of shares (Note) % of issued share capital 0-1,000 1,377 38.55 427,842 0.09 1,001-5,000 1,308 36.62 3,109,740 0.63 5,001-10,000 342 9.57 2,580,490 0.52 10,001-100,000 445 12.46 12,955,377 2.62 Above 100,000 100 2.80 475,269,669 96.14 3,572 100 494,343,118 100 Note: 46.1% of all TIH’s issued shares were held through CCASS. Based on information that is publicly available to the Company and the Directors, the Company has maintained a sufficient public float of its share capital in the Hong Kong stock market throughout the financial year ended 31 December 2023. Shareholders’ Communication Policy Transparency is vital to good corporate governance. The Board has formulated the Shareholders’ Communication Policy to provide shareholders with information about the Company, allowing them to engage with the Company and obtain information about the Company to exercise their rights as shareholders. The Shareholders’ Communication Policy is posted on the Company’s website and has been reviewed in 2023 to ensure its effectiveness. The Company adopts various communication channels to convey messages to the shareholders, including press releases, announcements, circulars and interim and annual reports. Interim and annual reports, notices of general meetings, announcements and circulars in English and Chinese are posted on the Company’s website ( and the website of the Stock Exchange. They are also delivered to shareholders within the respective deadlines stipulated by the Listing Rules. Other information of interest to shareholders and the public is also available on the Company’s website.