Annual Report 2023

150 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT Annual Reports The annual report is a unique source of information for shareholders and other stakeholders who wish to understand the business of the Group. Senior Management endeavours to make the annual report informative, comprehensible and transparent, with a sufficient level of disclosure. There are both English and Chinese versions of the annual report and both printed and electronic copies are available to shareholders. In the interests of environmental preservation and economy, the Company encourages its shareholders to choose the electronic version of all the Company’s corporate communications such as the annual and interim reports, notices of meetings, listing documents, circulars and forms of proxy. Shareholders are at liberty to change their choice of language or means of receiving the Company’s corporate communications by giving written notice of not less than seven days to the Company’s share registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, or by emailing Awards Over the years, the Company has won widespread recognition in local and international award programmes. In 2023, the Company won the Best Corporate Governance and ESG Awards 2023 – Special Mention Corporate Governance in Non-Hang Seng Index Category (Small Market Capitalisation), presented by Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the IFAPC Outstanding Listed Companies Award 2023 organised by The Hong Kong Institute of Financial Analysts and Professional Commentators Limited (IFAPC), and the Gold Award for Interior Design, Bronze Award for Infographics and Honours for Photography in the Transportation and Leasing category of the 2023 International ARC Awards. The Company’s General Meetings The Directors consider the Company’s general meetings an important way of communicating with shareholders. The annual general meetings and other general meetings are normally attended by all Directors and the Senior Management as well as the Company’s external auditors so that any comments or questions raised by shareholders can be addressed. Shareholders have control over the Company primarily through exercising their voting rights at general meetings. All voting is conducted by poll at general meetings with each shareholder being entitled to one vote. A separate resolution is proposed for each matter, including the election of individual Directors. A circular containing the notice of the annual general meeting, proposed resolutions, biographies of Directors standing for election and information on poll voting procedures is sent to shareholders with the annual report at least 21 clear business days before the annual general meeting.