Annual Report 2023

170 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Directors’ Report Directors The Directors during the financial year and up to the date of this report were: Dr Norman LEUNG Nai Pang*, GBS, JP (Chairman) Dr John CHAN Cho Chak*, GBS, JP (Deputy Chairman) Raymond KWOK Ping Luen, JP NG Siu Chan (Deceased in May 2023) William LOUEY Lai Kuen Charles LUI Chung Yuen, M.H. Winnie NG, JP (Director and resigned as Alternative Director to Mr Ng Siu Chan in May 2023) Dr Eric LI Ka Cheung*, GBS, OBE, JP Professor LIU Pak Wai*, SBS, JP Allen FUNG Yuk Lun Roger LEE Chak Cheong (Managing Director) TSANG Wai Hung*, GBS, PDSM, JP Dr CHEUNG Wing Yui, BBS LEE Luen Fai, BBS, JP LUNG Po Kwan GAO Feng (Alternate Director to Mr William LOUEY Lai Kuen) Christopher KWOK Kai-wang, JP (Appointed on 15 June 2023) WONG Hong Kit (Appointed as Alternate Director to Mr Raymond KWOK Ping Luen, JP on 15 June 2023) Susanna WONG Sze Lai (Resigned as Alternate Director to Mr Raymond KWOK Ping Luen, JP on 15 June 2023) * Independent Non-executive Director In accordance with Company’s Bye-Laws 84(1), Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung, Professor Liu Pak Wai, Mr Tsang Wai Hung, Mr Raymond Kwok Ping Luen, Mr Charles Lui Chung Yuen, Ms Winnie NG, Dr Cheung Wing Yui and Mr Lee Luen Fai will retire from the Board at the forthcoming Annual General Meeting of the Company and, being eligible, offer themselves for re-election. In accordance with Company’s Bye-Laws 83(2), Mr Christopher Kwok Kai-wang will hold office as Director until the forthcoming annual general meeting of the Company and, being eligible, offers himself for re-election. Brief biographical details of the Directors of the Company are set out on pages 158 to 166 of this Annual Report. Indemnity provision The Bye-laws of the Company provides that every Director shall be indemnified out of the assets and profits of the Company from and against actions and liability which he/she may incur or sustain in or about the execution of the duties of his/her office. The Company has taken out insurance against the liabilities and costs associated with defending any proceedings which may be brought against the Directors of the Group.