Annual Report 2023

171 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Directors’ Report Directors’ interests and short positions in shares, underlying shares and debentures The Directors of the Company who held office as at 31 December 2023 had the following interests in the shares of the Company, subsidiaries and other associated corporations (within the meaning of Part XV of the Securities and Futures Ordinance (“SFO”)) at that date as recorded in the register of Directors’ and chief executives’ interests and short positions required to be kept under Section 352 of the SFO: (i) Interests in issued shares of the Company Ordinary shares of HK$1 each Personal interests Family interests Corporate interests Trustee interests Other interests Total number of shares held Percentage of total issued shares Dr Norman LEUNG Nai Pang* 610,803 – – – – 610,803 0.124% Dr John CHAN Cho Chak* 2,000 – – – – 2,000 – Raymond KWOK Ping Luen 592,173 (note 1) – – – – 592,173 0.120% William LOUEY Lai Kuen 9,298,976 11,383 – – 13,203,166 (note 2) 22,513,525 4.554% Charles LUI Chung Yuen 14,271 – – 3,484,915 (note 3) – 3,499,186 0.708% Winnie NG 181,416 – – 26,699,308 (note 4) – 26,880,724 5.438% Dr Eric LI Ka Cheung* 17,600 – – – – 17,600 0.004% Professor LIU Pak Wai* – – – – – – – Allen FUNG Yuk Lun – – – – – – – Roger LEE Chak Cheong (Managing Director) 148,797 – – – – 148,797 0.030% TSANG Wai Hung* – – – – – – – Dr CHEUNG Wing Yui – – – – – – – LEE Luen Fai – 30,000 – – – 30,000 0.006% LUNG Po Kwan – – – – – – – Christopher KWOK Kai-wang – – – – – – – WONG Hong Kit (Alternate Director to Mr Raymond KWOK Ping Luen) – – – – – – – GAO Feng (Alternate Director to Mr William LOUEY Lai Kuen) – – – – – – – * Independent Non-executive Director Notes: (1) Of these shares in the Company, Mr Raymond Kwok Ping Luen held 587,475 shares jointly with his spouse. (2) Mr William Louey Lai Kuen, Ms Kwok Chun Phyllis Ng Louey and Ms Kwok Won Carol Wilma Yu Louey entered into a shareholders voting agreement. (3) Mr Charles Lui Chung Yuen and members of his family together had interests in certain private trusts which beneficially held 3,484,915 shares in the Company. (4) Ms Winnie Ng had an interest in 26,699,308 shares in the Company as a beneficiary in certain private trusts which beneficially held the aforesaid block of shares.