Annual Report 2023

190 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF PROFIT OR LOSS For the year ended 31 December 2023 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) 2023 2022 Note $’000 $’000 (restated) Revenue 3 & 12 7,884,753 6,607,171 Other income 4 68,106 705,766 Staff costs 5(a) (4,144,457) (4,063,411) Depreciation (1,132,687) (1,116,279) Fuel and oil (1,054,009) (762,256) Spare parts (228,108) (212,353) Toll charges (255,674) (270,171) Other operating expenses (923,372) (849,882) Profit from operations 214,552 38,585 Change in fair value of investment properties and investment property under development 287,380 448,682 Finance costs 5(b) (110,064) (37,610) Share of profits/(losses) of associates 31,138 (6,909) Share of profit of joint venture 8,110 8,249 Profit before taxation 5 431,116 450,997 Income tax (expense)/credit 6(a) (29,453) 98,050 Profit for the year 401,663 549,047 Earnings per share Basic and diluted 10 $0.83 $1.17 The notes on pages 198 to 274 form part of these financial statements. Details of dividends paid and payable to equity shareholders of the Company attributable to the profit for the year are set out in note 11.