Annual Report 2023

192 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION At 31 December 2023 (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) At 31 December At 31 December At 1 January 2023 2022 2022 Note $’000 $’000 $’000 (restated) (restated) Non-current assets Investment properties 14 5,406,500 1,468,800 1,503,300 Investment property under development 14 2,805,000 5,840,000 4,735,000 Interest in leasehold land 13(a) 46,531 48,511 50,491 Other property, plant and equipment 13(a) 7,780,661 7,779,247 7,985,606 16,038,692 15,136,558 14,274,397 Intangible assets 15 529,090 529,090 419,729 Goodwill 16 84,051 84,051 84,051 Interest in associates 18 609,147 599,796 681,749 Interest in joint venture 19 748,560 751,187 750,799 Other financial assets 20 1,267,029 1,716,285 1,353,662 Employee benefit assets 21(a) 1,609,273 1,540,991 1,959,462 Deferred tax assets 29(b) 2,028 730 528 20,887,870 20,358,688 19,524,377 Current assets Spare parts 109,694 95,503 103,421 Accounts receivable 23 1,025,064 957,169 605,137 Other financial assets 20 463,722 215,977 741,095 Deposits and prepayments 43,530 32,057 26,924 Current tax recoverable 29(a) 1,915 2,551 5,857 Restricted bank deposits 24(a) 447,551 442,891 411,749 Bank deposits and cash 24(a) 1,207,743 1,799,592 825,787 3,299,219 3,545,740 2,719,970 Current liabilities Accounts payable and accruals 26 1,804,116 1,531,101 1,665,467 Contingency provision – insurance 27 91,823 88,592 93,800 Bank loans 25 1,262,075 1,674,567 994,032 Lease liabilities 28 3,589 4,082 3,513 Current tax payable 29(a) 7,366 13,481 2,657 3,168,969 3,311,823 2,759,469 Net current assets/(liabilities) 130,250 233,917 (39,499) Total assets less current liabilities 21,018,120 20,592,605 19,484,878