Annual Report 2023

The Management team will continue to lead the Group with the “KMB spirit” in mind, striving to serve Hong Kong with all-out effort. 18 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited MANAGING DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE local residents to commute, as this not only drives service demand but also contributes to the growth of Hong Kong economy. Apart from serving local needs, the Group also seizes opportunities created by the integration of the two regions and enhances cross-border bus services to promote customer flow. By promoting bus services and attracting passengers, it aims to increase the awareness of travellers and encourage them to choose bus transportation. With the Central Government’s guidance on the development of the Greater Bay Area, the Group recognises the opportunities for coordinated development between Mainland China and Hong Kong. We have signed a strategic cooperation agreement with SZBG to promote cross-boundary transportation connectivity, leveraging our combined resource advantages for mutual benefits and shared success. As the major public transport operator in Hong Kong, the Group stays in tune with the heartbeat of the city as it strives to contribute to our social development. KMB proactively develops green transportation initiatives to fall in line with the Government’s carbon emissions reduction goals. The first batch of electric double-deckers has been officially put into service, fulfilling the operational needs and service requirements in terms of driving performance, cabin environment, and passenger experience. KMB’s fleet of electric buses has travelled as many as 2.2 million kilometres, successfully reducing 3,000 tonnes of carbon emissions. With 82 electric buses to be in service successively and the organic expansion of service areas, more residents are set to benefit from our new energy bus fleet as we make practical contributions to environmental protection together. In terms of the fleet, KMB has already equipped half of its bus fleet with In 2023, KMB celebrated its 90 th anniversary with a series of festive events, as it reminisced about the bygone days at KMB and looked ahead to the future with the public. For the past ninety years, we have relied on the support of everyone, which has enabled us to grow alongside Hong Kong and navigate our way through the ups and downs. This tremendous support has also boosted our confidence and provided us with the motivation to continue moving forward in our development. Since the lifting of all pandemic-related measures and travel restrictions last year, Hong Kong has undergone a diverse range of key changes. To this city, this means a year where challenges and opportunities coexisted. As the society returned to normalcy, it created favourable conditions for economic recovery. However, changes in travel habits, slow recovery in inbound tourists, low consumer confidence, and a decline in the working population all became mounting pressure on the demand and operation of public transportation services. The Group has over ten thousand employees who have all geared up for the “new normalcy” in our society. First and foremost, for a service to be reliable, it must be well supported by stable manpower. To this end, KMB continues to develop policies that add value to in-house employees and care for colleagues, creating a favourable working environment to attract and retain talents. We have also renewed our efforts in talent recruitment to attract people of different backgrounds and ethnicities to join us. In addition, the Group also proactively creates opportunities to boost service demand, as it reviews the needs and potential of bus services in various districts, and launches timely planning and strategies for further development. KMB also encourages