Annual Report 2023

226 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) 7 Directors’ emoluments (continued) 2022 Directors’ fees Salaries, allowances and benefits in kind Discretionary bonuses Retirement scheme contributions Sub-total Share-based payment Total (note (b)) (note (c)) Note $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Executive Director Roger Lee Chak Cheong (a) 390 6,396 665 353 7,804 119 7,923 Non-executive Directors Raymond Kwok Ping Luen 654 – – – 654 50 704 Ng Siu Chan 390 – – – 390 50 440 Charles Lui Chung Yuen 654 – – – 654 50 704 William Louey Lai Kuen 654 – – – 654 50 704 Winnie Ng 714 – – – 714 50 764 Allen Fung Yuk Lun 636 – – – 636 50 686 Dr Cheung Wing Yui 390 – – – 390 50 440 Lee Luen Fai 390 – – – 390 50 440 Lung Po Kwan 450 – – – 450 50 500 Susanna Wong Sze Lai – – – – – – – Gao Feng – – – – – – – Independent non-executive Directors Dr Norman Leung Nai Pang 2,116 – – – 2,116 56 2,172 Dr John Chan Cho Chak 794 – – – 794 53 847 Dr Eric Li Ka Cheung 770 – – – 770 50 820 Professor Liu Pak Wai 636 – – – 636 50 686 Tsang Wai Hung 840 – – – 840 50 890 10,478 6,396 665 353 17,892 828 18,720 Notes: (a) The amounts included emoluments from the Company and certain of its subsidiaries. (b) The amounts represented emoluments received or receivable by the Directors of the Company in cash. (c) These represent the estimated value of share options granted to Directors under the Company’s share option scheme. The value of these share options is measured according to the Group’s accounting policies for equity-settled share-based payment transactions as set out in note 1(x)(iii). The details of these benefits in kind, including the principal terms and number of options granted, are disclosed under the paragraph “Share option scheme” in the Directors’ report and note 22. (d) Ng Siu Chan was deceased in May 2023. (e) Christopher Kwok Kai-wang was appointed as Director on 15 June 2023. (f) Susanna Wong Sze Lai resigned as Alternate Director to Raymond Kwok Ping Luen on 15 June 2023 and Wong Hong Kit was appointed as Alternate Director to Raymond Kwok Ping Luen on 15 June 2023.