Annual Report 2023

230 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) 12 Segment reporting (continued) (a) Segment results, assets and liabilities (continued) Information regarding the Group’s reportable segments for the years ended 31 December 2023 and 2022 is set out below. Franchised bus operation Property holdings and development All other segments Total 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 2023 2022 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 (restated) (restated) (restated) (restated) Revenue from external customers 7,563,831 6,360,023 82,906 51,477 238,016 195,671 7,884,753 6,607,171 Inter-segment revenue 1,355 823 4,453 5,094 903 1,890 6,711 7,807 Reportable segment revenue 7,565,186 6,360,846 87,359 56,571 238,919 197,561 7,891,464 6,614,978 Reportable segment profit/(loss) 34,597 (81,326) 333,969 507,696 42,097 3,013 410,663 429,383 Interest income 4,745 4,016 – – 318 – 5,063 4,016 Interest expense (86,887) (37,610) (23,177) – – – (110,064) (37,610) Depreciation (1,103,472) (1,077,761) (540) (187) (28,675) (38,331) (1,132,687) (1,116,279) Staff costs (4,012,799) (3,951,612) – – (121,100) (101,143) (4,133,899) (4,052,755) Changes in fair value of investment properties and investment property under development – – 287,380 448,682 – – 287,380 448,682 Share of profits/(losses) of associates – – – – 31,138 (6,909) 31,138 (6,909) Share of profit of joint venture – – 8,110 8,249 – – 8,110 8,249 Income tax (expense)/credit (8,193) 114,809 (7,408) (6,467) (13,852) (10,292) (29,453) 98,050 Reportable segment assets 10,665,139 11,281,358 9,020,713 8,070,368 1,550,081 1,497,166 21,235,933 20,848,892 – including interest in associates – – – – 609,147 599,796 609,147 599,796 – including interest in joint venture – – 748,560 751,187 – – 748,560 751,187 Additions to non-current segment assets during the year 1,078,898 882,710 617,248 621,737 55,406 135,728 1,751,552 1,640,175 Reportable segment liabilities 4,617,357 5,259,533 3,051,451 2,416,037 87,247 96,914 7,756,055 7,772,484