Annual Report 2023

231 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) 12 Segment reporting (continued) (b) Reconciliation of reportable segment revenue, profit, assets and liabilities 2023 2022 $’000 $’000 (restated) Revenue Reportable segment revenue 7,652,545 6,417,417 Revenue from all other segments 238,919 197,561 7,891,464 6,614,978 Elimination of inter-segment revenue (6,711) (7,807) Consolidated revenue 7,884,753 6,607,171 Profit Reportable segment profit 368,566 426,370 Profit from all other segments 42,097 3,013 410,663 429,383 Unallocated (losses)/profits (9,000) 119,664 Consolidated profit after taxation 401,663 549,047 Assets Reportable segment assets 19,685,852 19,351,726 Assets from all other segments 1,550,081 1,497,166 21,235,933 20,848,892 Unallocated assets 2,951,156 3,055,536 Consolidated total assets 24,187,089 23,904,428 Liabilities Reportable segment liabilities 7,668,808 7,675,570 Liabilities from all other segments 87,247 96,914 7,756,055 7,772,484 Unallocated liabilities 25,447 44,897 Consolidated total liabilities 7,781,502 7,817,381 (c) Geographic information Substantially all of the Group’s revenue from external customers, based on the location at which the services were provided, is generated in Hong Kong. The following table sets out information about the geographical location of the Group’s investment properties, investment property under development, interest in leasehold land, other property, plant and equipment, intangible assets, goodwill, interest in associates and interest in joint venture (“specified non-current assets”). The geographical location of the specified non-current assets is based on the physical location of the asset in the case of investment properties, investment property under development, interest in leasehold land and other property, plant and equipment, the location of the operation to which they are allocated in the case of intangible assets and goodwill, and the location of operations in the case of interest in associates and interest in joint venture. Specified non-current assets 2023 2022 $’000 $’000 (restated) Hong Kong 17,239,295 16,339,189 The PRC 770,245 761,493 18,009,540 17,100,682