Annual Report 2023

232 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) 13 Interest in leasehold land and other property, plant and equipment (a) Reconciliation of carrying amount Buildings Other properties leased for own use carried at cost Buses and other motor vehicles Buses under construction Tools and others Sub-total Interest in leasehold land Total $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 $’000 Cost: At 1 January 2023 1,602,670 25,271 12,530,312 256,014 4,184,046 18,598,313 112,372 18,710,685 Additions 41,116 2,857 286,254 378,491 443,654 1,152,372 – 1,152,372 Lease modification – (2,043) – – – (2,043) – (2,043) Disposals – – (373,364) – (411,934) (785,298) – (785,298) Transfers – – 380,354 (380,354) – – – – At 31 December 2023 1,643,786 26,085 12,823,556 254,151 4,215,766 18,963,344 112,372 19,075,716 Accumulated depreciation: At 1 January 2023 1,271,222 17,998 6,263,434 – 3,300,675 10,853,329 63,861 10,917,190 Charge for the year 37,627 3,584 848,453 – 241,459 1,131,123 1,980 1,133,103 Written back on disposals – – (369,982) – (411,820) (781,802) – (781,802) At 31 December 2023 1,308,849 21,582 6,741,905 – 3,130,314 11,202,650 65,841 11,268,491 Net book value: At 31 December 2023 334,937 4,503 6,081,651 254,151 1,085,452 7,760,694 46,531 7,807,225 Add: Deposits paid in respect of buses on order 19,967 – 19,967 7,780,661 46,531 7,827,192