Annual Report 2023

241 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENTS (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars unless otherwise indicated) Percentage of ownership interest Name of company Place of incorporation and business Particulars of issued and paid-up capital Group’s effective interest Held by the Company Held by subsidiaries Principal activity GD Bonwell Yip Wai Tours Co. Limited Incorporated in Hong Kong and operates in Hong Kong and the PRC 10,000 shares 100 – 100 Provision of non-franchised bus services Zhan Gang Tourist Transportation Company Limited Incorporated in Hong Kong and operates in Hong Kong and the PRC 500,000 shares 100 – 100 Provision of non-franchised bus services Right Concept Transportation Limited Incorporated in Hong Kong and operates in Hong Kong and the PRC 5 shares 100 – 100 Provision of non-franchised bus services Lai Chi Kok Properties Investment Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Property investment LCK Real Estate Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Property investment LCK Commercial Properties Limited Hong Kong 1 share 100 – 100 Property investment KT Real Estate Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Property investment KMB Financial Services Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Group treasury management KMB (Beijing) Taxi Investment Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Investment holding KMB (Shenzhen) Transport Investment Limited Incorporated in the British Virgin Islands and operates in Hong Kong 1 share of US$1 100 – 100 Investment holding 17 Interest in subsidiaries (continued)