Annual Report 2023

275 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited FINANCIAL SUMMARY For the years ended 31 December (Expressed in Hong Kong dollars) 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M $’M (Restated) (Restated) (Restated) Notes (d) & (e) Notes (d) & (e) Note (d) Note (c) Note (b) Note (a) Consolidated statement of profit or loss Continuing operations Revenue 7,885 6,607 7,202 6,191 8,112 8,009 7,888 7,744 7,780 7,557 Profit before taxation 431 451 272 1,722 699 837 1,008 1,016 747 508 Income tax (expense)/credit (29) 98 (27) 182 (94) (117) (148) (150) (128) (69) Profit for the year from continuing operations 402 549 245 1,904 605 720 860 866 619 439 Discontinued operations Profit/(loss) for the year from discontinued operations – – – – – – 429 (42) – – Profit for the year 402 549 245 1,904 605 720 1,289 824 619 439 Non-controlling interests – – – – – – 6 7 10 (24) Profit attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 402 549 245 1,904 605 720 1,295 831 629 415 Consolidated statement of financial position Investment properties, investment property under development, interest in leasehold land and other property, plant and equipment 16,039 15,137 14,274 10,954 10,154 9,841 9,261 8,875 6,133 4,817 Intangible assets 529 529 420 365 365 361 132 132 132 135 Goodwill 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 84 Non-current prepayments – – – – – – – 2 15 7 Interest in associates 609 600 682 657 612 611 625 602 634 740 Interest in joint venture 749 751 751 751 – – – – – – Other financial assets 1,267 1,716 1,354 1,474 1,264 1,709 1,493 1,207 112 183 Employee benefit assets 1,609 1,541 1,959 1,701 1,307 913 1,287 626 577 861 Net current assets/(liabilities) 132 235 (39) 229 1,369 711 438 377 1,321 2,112 Employment of funds 21,018 20,593 19,485 16,215 15,155 14,230 13,320 11,905 9,008 8,939 Financed by: Share capital 494 475 465 458 447 435 422 412 404 404 Reserves 15,911 15,612 15,517 12,728 10,525 9,761 9,120 7,414 6,804 6,793 Total equity attributable to equity shareholders of the Company 16,405 16,087 15,982 13,186 10,972 10,196 9,542 7,826 7,208 7,197 Non-controlling interests – – – – – – – 146 154 190 Total equity 16,405 16,087 15,982 13,186 10,972 10,196 9,542 7,972 7,362 7,387 Contingency provision – insurance 142 148 178 218 244 241 285 253 251 274 Long-term bank loans 3,378 3,293 2,139 1,684 2,707 2,625 2,353 2,724 589 545 Employee benefit liabilities – – – – – 3 – 9 9 6 Other liabilities 1,093 1,065 1,186 1,127 1,232 1,165 1,140 947 797 727 Funds employed 21,018 20,593 19,485 16,215 15,155 14,230 13,320 11,905 9,008 8,939 Earnings per share ($) 0.83 1.17 0.53 4.21 1.38 1.68 3.11 2.04 1.56 1.03 – From continuing operations 0.83 1.17 0.53 4.21 1.38 1.68 2.07 2.12 – – – From discontinued operations – – – – – – 1.04 (0.08) – – Dividends per share ($) 0.80 0.50 0.50 0.50 1.00 1.20 1.25 1.25 1.20 0.90 Total assets per share ($) 48.93 50.33 47.79 42.16 37.40 35.46 34.69 32.34 27.42 25.28 Net assets per share ($) 33.19 33.87 34.34 28.80 24.55 23.46 22.59 19.36 18.24 18.30