Annual Report 2023

27 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Electronic Payment System KMB has introduced electronic payment systems to the entire fleet. The e-payment system, which accepts more payment methods than any other public transport operators’ system, now supports sixteen platforms including the newly added American Express along with Discover / Diners Club, WeChat Pay HK, and Weixin Pay, enabling contactless payment, mobile payment and QR code payment. Fare concession schemes, including the Regional Short-haul Two-way Section Fare Scheme and BBI discount schemes between KMB and LWB routes, are also supported by the e-payment system. Energy Reduction Dedicated to building a greener future, KMB has explored the application of renewable energy by extending the use of solar panels to depots, bus termini, bus shelters, bus poles and double-decker roofs. KMB brought the third generation Solar Panel Bus from prototype to a mass production stage while the solar panel system has become a standard feature in KMB’s new buses. In 2023, 92 new licensed buses were equipped with solar panels on the bus roof. Moreover, KMB retrofitted solar panels on the current bus fleet. By the end of 2023, nearly 2,000 buses were retrofitted with solar panels on the bus roof. Furthermore, KMB has continued the Solar-powered Bus Shelter Campaign, using solar energy to power up lighting devices. By the end of 2023, 1,907 bus stops were equipped with solar power equipment. KMB now installed 30,000 solar panels in total in order to illustrate how its development blueprint for new energy would apply in practice. 5G Technology Moving towards a Smart City is one of the key development directions of Hong Kong. With the rise of industry-leading 5G mobile network technology, KMB has explored the use of 5G technology in daily operations. Among the KMB’s bus fleet, around 2,500 buses will be gradually upgraded to incorporate 5G technology and provide free 5G Wi-Fi service. The On-board Occupancy Display has been set up in the compartment to show the number of seats available on the upper deck and the real-time bus occupancy rate on app1933 gives information on occupancy for the next three buses with icons. Leveraging 5G and innovative technology, KMB designs a graphic display to show the real-time occupancy rate of upcoming buses on its mobile application, app1933