Annual Report 2023

SUSTAINABILITY REPORT In 2023, Transport International Holdings Limited (“TIH”) continued to make progress in its journey to create sustainable values for its stakeholders and the community at large. TIH is committed to building sustainable legacies through safe operations, innovative service, community care and environmental protection. About the Report Reporting Focus The Sustainability Report (the “Report”) of TIH provides descriptions and highlights of the environmental and corporate social responsibility performance and sustainability achievements of The Kowloon Motor Bus Company (1933) Limited (“KMB”) and Long Win Bus Company Limited (“LWB”), TIH’s wholly-owned subsidiaries. These two Hong Kong franchised public bus companies comprise significant business operations of TIH. The Report covers the reporting period from 1 January to 31 December 2023. There were no significant changes with regard to TIH’s size, structure, ownership or supply chain during the reporting period. In the Report, data and statistics are presented as absolute figures and are normalised into comparable terms as far as possible. Unless otherwise stated, data and statistics in the Report cover the performance of KMB and LWB during the entire reporting period. There is no specific limitation on the scope and boundary of the Report in respect of KMB’s and LWB’s operations. Reporting Principles The Report was prepared in accordance with the latest Global Reporting Initiative (“GRI”) Standards 2021 and the Appendix C2: Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting Guide (“the ESG Reporting Guide”) issued by the Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (”HKEX”). The GRI Content Index correlates GRI disclosures with associated sections in this report. The Group strictly adheres to the reporting principles of materiality, quantitative, balance and consistency which are set out in the ESG Reporting Guide. Carbon Footprints of Bus (tCO 2 e per million km) FY 2023 target: -10% Result by FY 2023: -10.21% (Target Met) Diesel Oil (GJ per million km) FY 2023 target: -10% Result by FY 2023: -10.11% (Target Met) 44 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Responsible Consumption and Production Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions