Annual Report 2023

50 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Materiality Matrix HumanRightsPoliciesTraining WaterConsumption FreedomofAssociationandCollectiveBargaining DiversityandEqualOpportunity GreenProcurement ProcurementPractices MaterialConsumption ClimateChange CommunityEngagement OccupationalHealthandSafety EmploymentManagementSystem LabourManagementRelations CustomerPrivacyProtection Non-discrimination TrainingandEducation Accessibility CustomerHealthandSafety Anti-corruption EffluentsandWaste Emissions EconomicPerformance EnergyandEfficiencyMeasures Socio-economicCompliance Importance to business development Importance to stakeholders Environmental Social Governance Note: The topics “Environmental Compliance” and “Forced and Child Labour” are excluded from the materiality matrix given that they are standard practices in operations. The engagement activities provided us with constructive comments and suggestions from our stakeholders. We appreciate their valuable feedback and strive to address their expectations through continuous improvements. Key Areas of Interest Stakeholders’ Comments Our Responses and Relevant Disclosures in the Report Safety To enhance bus safety through innovative technologies; Strengthen public safety education; and Upgrade bus safety facilities such as installing safety belts for all seats. Safety has been a top priority of our operations. We make great efforts to implement safety measures and promote safety awareness. (See details in Safety First) Environment To recycle waste from the operation; and Further explore green energy opportunities and clean energy infrastructure. We seek to minimise the impact of our operations on the environment by employing energy-efficient buses and exploring green energy and zero-emission bus technologies. (See details in Caring for the Environment) Customers To improve accessibility for the elderly and people with disabilities; Design bus routes that cover more areas; and Explore further digitalisation of the bus management system. Bus facilities and compartment designs have been upgraded to provide better accessibility and comfort for passengers. (See details in Caring for Customers) Employees To enhance communication with internal stakeholders. To strengthen bilateral communication, we have built a variety of internal communication channels and platforms for employees. (See details in Caring for Employees) Community To participate more actively in key environmental and social sustainability issues (business operation and engagement with external stakeholders) and improve transparency on progress and performance. We play an active role in various community activities and make good use of different platforms and occasions to communicate with the public. (See details in Stakeholder Engagement)