Annual Report 2023

53 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited 1 Mechanical reliability refers to the average number of kilometres a bus operates before it experiences one mechanical breakdown on the road with passengers on board. 2 Operational capability refers to the ratio of actual to scheduled departures in the peak direction during the peak hours of 7:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. across the bus network. Safety Policy The KMB and LWB Safety Policy ensures that injury and health risks are minimised to provide a safe and healthy environment for our employees and the public. All our employees are required to comply with all legal requirements applicable to our operations, and we regularly consult employees to identify opportunities for improvement in our safety management system. Safety Committees Safety Committees oversee internal communication on occupational safety and health information, including risks, trends and policies. All Safety Committees meet regularly to discuss safety issues at different levels across the Company. At the corporate level, there is the Working Committee for Safety that oversees safety issues. The Departmental Safety Committees, Maintenance Safety Committees and Operations Safety Committees are responsible for safety issues relating to departments and sections. Departmental Safety Committees may vary the frequency of meetings depending on the scale of departmental safety risks. Safety Management We are dedicated to advancing occupational health and safety. We fully comply with the Occupational Safety and Health Ordinance and the Factories and Industrial Undertakings Ordinance (Chapters 509 and 59, Laws of Hong Kong, respectively). The KMB Occupational Health and Safety Management System adopted to ISO 45001:2018 which promotes continuous improvement of safety performance across all aspects of our business, including bus maintenance and design upgrades. Good Health and Well-Being The key benchmarks of our operational performance are mechanical reliability 1 and operational capability 2 . In 2023, the mechanical reliability of KMB’s bus fleet was 150,249 km: 1, while LWB’s bus fleet was 508,657 km: 1. In 2023, KMB and LWB attained an operational capability of 96.78 % and 98.84% respectively. Operational Excellence KMB and LWB are certified to the ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems (“QMS”) Standard, demonstrating our commitment to achieving up-to-date operational and service standards through the implementation of robust processes and practices. Safety Statistics The number and the percentage of staff and workers covered by our Occupational Health and Safety Management System (OHSMS) are tabulated as follows: No. of Employees No. of Workers 3,000 6,000 9,000 12,000 15,000 0 12,329 (100%) 447 (100%) Covered by OHSMS 11,998 (97.32%) 424 (94.85%) Covered by OHSMS and has been internally audited 11,156 (90.49%) 421 (94.18%) Covered by OHSMS and has been audited or certified by an external party KMB is dedicated to delivering safe and reliable bus services, relying on the KMB Academy to cultivate professional talents for the local bus industry