Annual Report 2023

64 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited SUSTAINABILITY REPORT Environmental Targets for Key Performance Indicators by FY 2028 (Baseline: FY 2019) Metal Waste (Non-hazardous) ’000 kg/km (Intensity) -7% Solid Chemical Waste (Hazardous) ’000 kg/km (Intensity) -13% Water Consumption m 3 /no. of buses (Intensity) -34% Diesel Consumption (Scope 1) ’000 GJ/km (Intensity) -33% Electricity Consumption (Related to Property/Real Estate Operations only) (Scope 2) kWh/m 2 (Intensity) -35% GHG Emissions (Scopes 1 & 2) ’000 CO 2 e tonnes/km (Intensity) -34% CO 2 e tonnes (Absolute) -11%