Annual Report 2023

67 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited KMB has installed a total of 30,000 solar panels on bus roofs, bus stops and other facilities, enhancing the utilisation of renewable energy CO 2 Concentration Checks Each year, 80 KMB buses and 15 LWB buses from passenger-intensive bus routes are selected for a data logger measurement of indoor CO 2 concentration. Our buses generally demonstrate compliance with the requirements. Emissions Reduction KMB and LWB adopt the latest technologies to reduce roadside emissions and maintain good air quality in bus compartments. We have in place a number of measures to meet the high standards of exhaust emissions laid down by the European Council of Environmental Ministers, which include using near-zero sulphur diesel, renewing bus models and upgrading older buses by retrofitting exhaust treatment devices such as diesel oxidation catalysts, diesel particulate filters, and selective catalytic reduction units. As part of our environmental protection commitment, KMB and LWB invest regularly to upgrade the environmental performance of their bus fleets and patrol cars. KMB and LWB have introduced electric patrol cars as back-up support and set up electricity-recharging facilities at their main depots. Energy Saving KMB and LWB take all practicable measures to reduce resource consumption and streamline waste disposal procedures. We handle and dispose of all materials in compliance with applicable laws and regulations, and in a responsible way without posing risks to human health or the environment. Fuel To reduce fuel consumption, a number of measures have been adopted throughout the KMB and LWB bus fleets and across all operations: The aircraft-style “Posilock” fuel filling system is used to refuel buses; Ambient sensors are installed on air-conditioned buses to reduce unnecessary cooling; The use of synthetic gearbox oil extends oil drain intervals to reduce waste oil by 80%; and The mileage-based oil change scheme reduces engine oil consumption and waste oil by 40%. KMB adopts the aircraft-style “Posilock” refuelling system to prevent fuel spillage