Annual Report 2023

70 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited SUSTAINABILITY REPORT KMB’s double-deck electric buses entering service validates their suitability for Hong Kong and lays a crucial foundation for green transportation Hong Kong has stringent operational requirements for double- deck buses. They must accommodate passenger capacity and load capacity, in addition to dealing with all-weather air conditioning, narrow and winding roads, and steep slopes. KMB recognises the long-term negative impacts of climate change on a global scale and has introduced new energy buses to reduce carbon emissions and improve roadside air quality. The engineering team of KMB closely collaborates with bus manufacturers from the Mainland and overseas to bring in “zero-emission” electric double-deck buses that not only meet daily operational needs but are also well suited for use in Hong Kong. Among the discussions surrounding various new energy buses, particular concern has been raised about the charging time and the environmental benefits of electric buses. Typically, buses are parked at depots for approximately 4 to 5 hours overnight for cleaning, simple maintenances and repairs. Electric buses take advantage of this period for charging meaning the charging process for electric buses not only has no impact on daily operations but also takes only about two hours. Electric buses are able to travel up to 300 kilometers, which is sufficient to meet the operational needs of nearly 80% of KMB buses for an entire day. In order to meet the fast-charging needs of electric buses, KMB has installed sufficient direct current (DC) fast charging facilities at bus depots. Each charging facility can accommodate up to three electric buses charging simultaneously every night, reducing the waiting time for buses in need of a charge. KMB is preparing to build two CASE STUDY