Annual Report 2023

Decent Work and Economic Growth Reduced Inequalities Quality Education Gender Equality 83 2023 Annual Report Transport International Holdings Limited Human Resources Policy We take care of our employees by maintaining a safe, respectful and harmonious work environment. We have implemented a set of comprehensive human resources policies to promote gender equality, offer protection against sexual harassment, foster occupational health and safety, prevent bribery, and protect personal privacy. These and other policies are published on the staff website. We observe Hong Kong’s labour and anti-discrimination laws and ensure that all our suppliers respect labour rights with regard to employment and respect employees’ rights to join trade unions. As an equal opportunity employer, we are committed to ensuring that no job applicant or employee is discriminated against on the grounds of race, gender, marital status, family status, pregnancy or disability. In collecting personal data from job applicants and existing staff members, we comply with the requirements of the Chapter 486, Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, respecting the privacy of personal data while taking all reasonable steps to ensure that the personal data of job applicants and staff members are securely held and used only for the purposes stated in our personal data collection statement. As public bodies included in the Schedule of the Chapter 201, Prevention of Bribery Ordinance, KMB and LWB remind staff members that they should not use their position to solicit or receive any advantage from the public. We remind our employees to comply with our Human Resources Policies at all times. In addition, we have a complete complaint handling mechanism in place. In case we receive complaints, we thoroughly investigate all complaints in breach of the above policies and take appropriate action. Depending on the severity of the complaint, an ad-hoc committee may be set up to investigate the case. Appropriate disciplinary action, including summary dismissal, will be instigated in the event of any violation. Good Health and Well-Being Dr. Norman Leung Nai Pang, GBS, JP, Chairman of the Board of Directors (fifth from the right in the front row), and Mr. Lam Sai-hung, GBS, JP, Secretary for Transport and Logistics (fifth from the left in the front row), along with various Government officials and Board members, attend the KMB’s 90 th anniversary dinner and award presentation ceremony