Annual Report 2020

NOTESTOTHE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020 114 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2020 26. TRADE AND BILLS PAYABLES, OTHER PAYABLES AND ACCRUED CHARGES The Group normally receives credit terms of up to 120 days and 180 days for trade payables and bills payables, respectively, from its suppliers. The following is an analysis of the trade and bills payables by age, presented based on the invoice date or bills issuance date at the end of the reporting period: 2020 2019 RMB’000 RMB’000 Trade payables 0 to 90 days 899,089 726,116 91 to 180 days 125,460 172,467 Over 180 days 21,865 30,508 1,046,414 929,091 Bills payables 0 to 90 days 583,980 797,167 91 to 180 days 507,538 543,136 Over 180 days 139,563 13,773 1,231,081 1,354,076 Other payables and accruals 419,372 428,022 Other tax payable 109,176 99,823 Accrual of freight expense 44,803 48,612 Accrual of salary, staff welfare and unclaimed annual leave 144,000 113,853 Accrual of water, electricity fee & steam 241,974 246,066 Deferred income in respect of government grants (Note 34) 122,607 125,934 Payables in respect of the acquisition of property, plant and equipment 398,639 379,064 3,758,066 3,724,541 Less: Amount due within one year shown under current liabilities (3,692,715) (3,656,456) Amount shown under non-current liabilities 65,351 68,085