Annual Report 2020

NOTESTOTHE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020 149 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2020 45. LIST OF SUBSIDIARIES Details of the Company’s subsidiaries at 31 December 2020 and 2019 are as follows: Name of subsidiaries Place of incorporation/ establishment Issued and fully paid share capital/ registered capital Attributable equity interest held by the Company Principal activities and place of operation (Note a) 2020 2019 The United Laboratories (Hong Kong) Holding Limited British Virgin Islands USD50,000 100% 100% Investment holding in Hong Kong The United Laboratories (Hong Kong) Group Limited British Virgin Islands USD50,000 100% 100% Investment holding in Hong Kong Bowden Trading Limited Samoa USD1,000 100% 100% Trademark holding in Hong Kong The United Laboratories Limited Hong Kong HK$15,000,000 100% 100% Investment holding and manufacturing and sale of pharmaceutical products in Hong Kong Team Crown Trading Limited Hong Kong HK$10,000 100% 100% Trading of pharmaceutical products in Hong Kong Bear World Limited Hong Kong HK$10,000 100% 100% Investment holding in Hong Kong Team Profit Management Limited Hong Kong HK$10,000 100% 100% Inactive Lynbond International Limited Hong Kong HK$10,000 100% 100% Inactive 珠海聯邦康知樂實業有限公司 (Note c) The PRC RMB250,000,000 100% 100% Investment holding in the PRC Zhuhai United Laboratories Co., Ltd. (Notes d and f) The PRC RMB1,678,396,000 100% 100% Manufacturing and sale of pharmaceutical products in the PRC 珠海樂邦制藥有限公司 (Note b) The PRC RMB12,825,000 100% 100% Investment holdings in the PRC 珠海市萬邦藥業有限公司 (Note c) The PRC RMB1,000,000 100% 100% Trading of pharmaceutical products in the PRC