Annual Report 2020

NOTESTOTHE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020 152 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2020 46. INFORMATION ABOUT THE STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL POSITION OF THE COMPANY (a) Statement of financial position of the Company 2020 2019 RMB’000 RMB’000 Non-current assets Interests in subsidiaries 4,118,488 4,058,950 Property, plant and equipment 781 1,159 Amounts due from subsidiaries 1,391,479 – 5,510,748 4,060,109 Current assets Other receivables and prepayments 482 1,021 Amounts due from subsidiaries 500,000 1,687,534 Pledged bank deposits 16,446 – Bank balances and cash 343,295 394,746 860,223 2,083,301 Current liabilities Other payables and accrued charges 4,329 5,735 Amount due to a subsidiary 150 120 Borrowings – due within one year 675,401 502,281 Tax payable 5,312 – 685,192 508,136 Net current assets 350,432 1,575,165 Total assets less current liabilities 5,685,779 5,635,274 Non-current liabilities Borrowings – due after one year 1,013,102 872,377 Derivative financial instrument 4,573 – Convertible bonds – 1,008,433 1,017,675 1,880,810 Net assets 4,668,104 3,754,464 Capital and reserves Share capital 17,183 15,360 Reserves 4,650,921 3,739,104 Total equity 4,668,104 3,754,464