Annual Report 2020

NOTESTOTHE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS For the year ended 31 December 2020 82 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2020 5. REVENUE AND SEGMENT INFORMATION (Continued) Segment information (Continued) (a) Segment revenue and results (Continued) Year ended 31 December 2019 Intermediate Bulk Finished Segment products medicine products total Elimination Consolidated RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 REVENUE External sales 1,280,352 3,593,112 3,519,136 8,392,600 – 8,392,600 Inter-segment sales 1,516,838 533,695 – 2,050,533 (2,050,533) – Segment revenue 2,797,190 4,126,807 3,519,136 10,443,133 (2,050,533) 8,392,600 RESULTS Segment profit 87,344 235,943 783,500 1,106,787 Unallocated other income 108,873 Unallocated corporate expenses (98,522) Unallocated other gains and losses, net 12,638 Loss on fair value change of embedded derivative components of convertible bonds (110,117) Gain on disposal of a subsidiary 200,445 Loss on fair value change on investment properties (97,614) Finance costs (280,838) Profit before taxation 841,652