Annual Report 2021

CORPORATE GOVERNANCE REPORT 33 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2021 ACCOUNTABILITY AND INTERNAL CONTROL The Board acknowledges its responsibility for preparing the Group’s financial statements. As at 31 December 2021, within the knowledge of the directors, there was no material event or condition that may cast significant doubt upon the Group’s ability to continue as a going concern. In the year under review, the Board considers the systems of internal control of the Company are sufficient and effective, hence the Company has complied with the code provisions relevant to the internal control in the CG Code. AUDITOR’S REMUNERATION For the year ended 31 December 2021, the auditor of the Company provided audit and non-audit services for the Company and the Group. The service fees for audit and non-audit services in 2021 amounted to approximately RMB4,583,000 and RMB1,534,000 respectively. COMPANY SECRETARY Mr. Leung Wing Hon is the company secretary of the Company. Mr. Leung reports to Mr. Tsoi Hoi Shan, the Chairman of the Board. Mr. Leung Wing Hon was appointed as company secretary of the Company on 25 May 2007. He is a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and a fellow member of the Association of International Accountants. He undertook no less than 15 hours of relevant professional training during the year. SHAREHOLDERS’ RIGHTS Convening an extraordinary general meeting by Shareholders Pursuant to article 58 of the Company’s Articles of Association, any one or more Members holding at the date of deposit of the requisition not less than one-tenth of the paid up capital of the Company carrying the right of voting at general meetings of the Company shall at all times have the right, by written requisition to the Board or the Secretary of the Company, to require an extraordinary general meeting to be called by the Board for the transaction of any business specified in such requisition; and such meeting shall be held within two (2) months after the deposit of such requisition. If within twenty-one (21) days of such deposit, the Board fails to proceed to convene such meeting the requisitionist(s) himself (themselves) may do so in the same manner, and all reasonable expenses incurred by the requisitionist(s) as a result of the failure of the Board shall be reimbursed to the requisitionist(s) by the Company.