Annual Report 2022

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CHANGES IN EQUITY For the year ended 31 December 2022 47 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2022 Attributable to owners of the Company Share capital Share premium Treasury stock Special reserve Capital reserve Foreign exchange reserve Retained profits Subtotal Non- controlling interests Total RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 RMB’000 (Note b) (Note a) At 1 January 2021 17,183 3,805,695 – 277,100 1,035,377 7,207 3,471,344 8,613,906 (2,071) 8,611,835 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations – – – – – 475 – 475 – 475 Profit for the year – – – – – – 988,098 988,098 1,487 989,585 Total comprehensive income for the year – – – – – 475 988,098 988,573 1,487 990,060 Dividends recognised as distribution (Note 15) – – – – – – (220,847) (220,847) – (220,847) Repurchase and cancellation of shares (58) (23,267) (17,653) – – – – (40,978) – (40,978) Transaction costs attributable to repurchase and cancellation of shares – – (162) – – – – (162) – (162) Appropriations – – – – 110,791 – (110,791) – – – At 31 December 2021 17,125 3,782,428 (17,815) 277,100 1,146,168 7,682 4,127,804 9,340,492 (584) 9,339,908 Exchange differences arising on translation of foreign operations – – – – – 1,427 – 1,427 – 1,427 Profit (loss) for the year – – – – – – 1,581,094 1,581,094 (71) 1,581,023 Total comprehensive income (expense) for the year – – – – – 1,427 1,581,094 1,582,521 (71) 1,582,450 Capital contribution from the non-controlling interest of a subsidiary – – – – – – – – 2,000 2,000 Dividends recognised as distribution (Note 15) – – – – – – (272,636) (272,636) – (272,636) Repurchase and cancellation of shares (160) (59,946) 18,062 – – – – (42,044) – (42,044) Transaction costs attributable to repurchase and cancellation of shares – – (247) – – – – (247) – (247) Appropriations – – – – 108,042 – (108,042) – – – At 31 December 2022 16,965 3,722,482 – 277,100 1,254,210 9,109 5,328,220 10,608,086 1,345 10,609,431 Notes: (a) Capital reserve represents the PRC statutory reserve which must be provided for before declaring dividends to the shareholders as approved by the board of directors in accordance with the PRC regulations applicable to the Company’s PRC subsidiaries until the fund reaches 50% of the registered capital of the respective subsidiaries. (b) Included in special reserve is an amount of RMB203,263,000 which represents the portion of registered capital of the two PRC subsidiaries contributed by certain beneficial owners of the Company. The remaining amount of RMB73,837,000 represents the difference between the carrying amount of the non-controlling interests acquired and the fair value of considerations paid for acquisition of additional interests in subsidiaries in prior years.