Annual Report 2023

BIOGRAPHICAL DETAILS OF DIRECTORS & SENIOR MANAGEMENT 18 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2023 Ms. Zou Xian Hong (鄒鮮紅女士) , aged 59, is an executive director of the Company and a vice president of the Group. Ms. Zou graduated from China Pharmaceutical University in 1984 and obtained her Executive Master of Business Administration from Hunan University in 2005. In June 2010, Ms. Zou obtained a doctorate in management science of Central South University. Ms. Zou has over 30 years’ experience in the PRC pharmaceutical industry. Ms. Zou was employed as a teacher at the Hunan Medical Middle School from 1988 to 1993 prior to joining the Group in 1994. Since joining the Group, she has been responsible for the sales management of the Group. She was the general manager of China Sales Division of Finished Products from 2008 to 2010. Ms. Zhu Su Yan (朱蘇燕女士) , aged 59, is an executive director of the Company and a vice president of the Group. Ms. Zhu graduated from Southeast University in the PRC in 1988. She was granted a degree of Executive Master of Business Administration from Business School of Nanjing University in 2005. Ms. Zhu worked in Nanjing Gulou Hospital as a neurosurgeon from 1988 to 1993, and joined Pfizer in 1994. She joined the Group in early 1995 and had served as regional manager of Jiangsu Province, vice president of national hospital development department and general manager of China Sales Division of Finished Products etc. Ms. Zhu has extensive experience in the sales and marketing of pharmaceutical products in the PRC and is principally responsible for the sales and marketing of the Group’s products in the PRC. Independent non-executive directors Mr. Chong Peng Oon (張品文先生) , aged 75, was appointed as an independent non-executive director on 31 March 2009. He is the chairman of the audit committee, remuneration committee and risk management committee, and a member of the nomination committee and sustainability committee of the Company. Mr. Chong was admitted as an Associate of the Institute of Chartered Accountant in England & Wales in April 1975 and was recognised as a Fellow Member of the Institute in 1981. He was in the accounting practice in Hong Kong for over 30 years. He has experience in auditing of companies ranging from small and medium enterprises to large listed groups in the service and other sectors including shipping, logistics, electronics and real estate. Mr. Chong retired from the accounting practice on 1 January 2009 and now acts as a consultant specialised in cross-border business and tax advisory business for companies in Hong Kong and China. He was a former member of the Foreign Experts Group for Independent Auditing Standards Committee of the Chinese Institute of Certified Public Accountants. Prof. Song Ming (宋敏教授) , aged 62, was appointed as an independent non-executive Director on 25 May 2007. He is the chairman of the nomination committee and a member of the audit committee, remuneration committee, risk management committee and sustainability committee of the Company. Prof. Song graduated from the Department of Economics of the Ohio State University in 1991 and obtained a PhD, majoring in financial economics. Prof. Song is currently Dean of Economics and Management School of Wuhan University. Prof. Song is also an independent non-executive director of Great Wall Pan Asia Holdings Limited (Stock Code: 583), a company listed on the main board of the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong.