Annual Report 2023

CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS For the year ended 31 December 2023 46 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Annual Report 2023 2023 2022 RMB’000 RMB’000 Investing activities Payments for purchase of property, plant and equipment (1,144,206) (701,072) Payment for deposits of acquisition of property, plant and equipment (130,278) (78,476) Capital contribution of interests in an associate – (7,350) Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment 4,367 7,586 Placement of pledged bank deposits (3,626,330) (3,901,184) Withdrawal of pledged bank deposits 3,348,785 4,033,869 Placement of financial asset at fair value through profit and loss (2,365,774) (1,684,155) Receipts of financial asset at fair value through profit and loss 2,438,522 1,702,128 Interest received 105,415 70,737 Receipts of government grants – 1,909 Additions to right-of-use assets (136,383) (38,911) Additions to intangible assets (51,068) – Net cash used in investing activities (1,556,950) (594,919) Financing activities Interest paid (78,431) (75,615) Dividends paid (581,448) (272,636) Capital contribution from the non-controlling interest of a subsidiary 12,000 2,000 Repayments of lease liabilities (4,177) (3,966) New borrowings raised 2,044,000 2,951,824 Repayments of borrowings (2,778,755) (2,623,646) Net settlement of the cross currency interest rate swap – (8,160) Net settlement of foreign currency forwards 24,133 48,324 Payment on repurchase and cancellation of shares – (42,044) Transaction costs attributable to repurchase and cancellation of shares – (247) Net cash used in financing activities (1,362,678) (24,166) Net (decrease) increase in cash and cash equivalents (480,190) 1,411,458 Effect of foreign exchange rate changes (892) 604 Total cash and cash equivalents at beginning of the year 4,743,071 3,331,009 Total cash and cash equivalents at end of the year 4,261,989 4,743,071