ESG Report 2023

6 3 ABOUT US 3.1 Chairman Statement Facing the deepening reforms in the healthcare system in recent years, The United Laboratories adheres to the principles of “Pragmatic and Rigorous, Scientific Truth-seeking, Future-oriented, and Innovative” in research and development. We continuously cultivate top talents, increase investment in research and development, promote product technological innovation, and strive for excellence in product and service quality through a scientifically regulated management system. With an attitude of continuous improvement, we are opening new chapters for The United Laboratories, characterized by high quality and sustainable development. The United Laboratories continues to focus on the R&D, production, and sales of pharmaceutical products as its core business. Our products covers pharmaceutical intermediate products, bulk medicines, finished products, veterinary drugs, empty capsules and medical devices forming a relatively comprehensive product cluster. We are committed to meeting the healthcare needs of the people, continuously monitoring the field of global new drug development, new molecules, and frontier technologies. Based on clinical value and differentiated forward-looking layout, we strive for innovative drugs and complex formulations with high barriers, continuously upgrading product innovation. By consistently introducing high-quality products and services, we accelerate the establishment of a comprehensive health barrier for all. We actively respond to the national call and continuously enhance the accessibility and affordability of pharmaceutical products, supporting the significant task of "Comprehensively Promoting the Construction of a Healthy China . Considering the uneven economic development levels in overseas markets, we adopt a fair pricing policy that matches the local income levels. We are dedicated to providing quality and affordable medications, alleviating the financial burden of local populations in seeking medical treatment, and eliminating healthcare disparities in resource-scarce areas. The Group regards employees as a crucial cornerstone of development, recognizing the importance of talents in corporate growth and adhering to the principle of "people-oriented . Building upon the foundation of ensuring employee safety, health, and lawful rights, we create a diverse employee training and development system to help employees at all levels and positions enhance their professional skills and comprehensive capabilities, thereby achieving mutual development with the Group. We also pay attention to the physical and mental well-being of employees, organizing various activities to help them achieve work-life balance and enhance their sense of belonging. Upholding the business principles of "Friendship, Equality, and Joint Development" we continuously strengthen supply chain management, enhance safety information management, promote ethical conduct, and create a safe and robust pharmaceutical enterprise. We proactively assume social responsibilities and actively engage in public welfare undertakings. We continuously invest in areas such as chronic disease prevention and control, industrial assistance, education development, disaster relief, and animal welfare, while encouraging employees to participate in diverse volunteer activities. In the current year, the Group has continued to advance the "Filial Piety Swallows" ( 反哺燕) Charity, and as of the end of the reporting period, the project has carried out activities 63 times, benefiting more than 5,000 individuals. Looking ahead to 2024, The United Laboratories will embark on a new chapter of development. We will embrace change with a proactive attitude, further strengthen our advantages in innovative drugs and high-barrier complex formulations platforms, deeply integrate ESG concepts with the overall corporate development strategy, and enhance the Group's sustainable development capabilities through digitalization, intelligent new technologies, and models. While providing higher-quality products and services to a wide range of patients, we actively practice the principles of green and low-carbon development, create a diversified development platform, persist in promoting social welfare undertakings, fully leverage our corporate influence, and collaborate with partners to jointly create a sustainable industry ecosystem. We contribute our efforts to comprehensively promote the construction of a healthy China and achieving shared prosperity. , ” " , Chairman Tsoi Hoi Shan Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited