ESG Report 2023

101 For the exhaust gas with peculiar smell generated in the sewage treatment process, the factories adopt a measure to collect the odour source in a sealed way. The collected exhaust gas is deodorised through the process of “multi-level alkali spraying + ozonation” to reduce the impacts on the surrounding environment Removal of odours from sewage treatment processes Acetone Tail Gas Recovery System Optimization and Renovation The design treatment capacity of the acetone exhaust gas system is 1,400 tons. Through optimization and adjustments, it successfully meets the factory's amine tail gas treatment requirements, achieving compliant emission of tail gas and a 43% increase in tail gas processing capacity. Additionally, the system is expected to recover 130 tons of acetone for the company each month, significantly increasing company profitability. In regard to the technical processes of different factories and the exhaust gas released, Inner Mongolia Company deal with them by adopting treatment measures such as " Triple cooling + spraying + active carbon and resin regeneration absorbing " , alkali spraying and catalytic oxidation, so as to greatly reduce the emission of pollutants. Treatment of exhaust gases from different workshop processes In the 2022, the Company constructed a new activated carbon adsorption and regeneration waste gas treatment system with a processing capacity of 5,000 cubic meters per hour. This included the addition of three sets of activated carbon adsorption and regeneration beds, one 5,000 cubic meters per hour induced draft fan, one drying fan, and two 50 square meters condensers as the main equipment. The system adopts the 'condensation recovery + water spraying + activated carbon adsorption and regeneration' treatment process, ensuring stable compliance with emission standards for waste gases. Additionally, it can recover some organic solvents, reduce the consumption of activated carbon, minimize the production of waste activated carbon, and achieve energy efficiency. To achieve the environmental targets, the Group has also invested in the renovation of the existing waste gas facilities. In the Year, the Group has invested RMB5.15 million to optimize the acetone tail gas recovery system in Workshop 201. This initiative aims to enhance the collection measures for unstructured exhaust gases . Acetone is one of the commonly used organic solvents in pharmaceutical processes, widely employed in dissolving, extracting, and synthesizing steps. Given its relatively high cost, recovering and reusing acetone can significantly reduce cost expenditures. Through the optimization and renovation of the recovery system, the group aims to enhance acetone recovery rates and purity, reduce waste, and lower procurement costs. Additionally, acetone is a volatile organic compound, and if emitted untreated into the atmosphere, it may have adverse effects on the environment and health. The optimization and renovation conducted will effectively capture and recover acetone from waste gas, thus reducing environmental pollution. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited