ESG Report 2023

105 10.5.2 Circular Economy Industrial Chain The adoption of the “ Corn fermentation - 6-APA intermediate products - amoxicillin bulk medicine “ circular economy industry chain has always been an important operational strategy of the Group. Our self-designed circular economy industrial chain converts the fungi residue generated during production into organic fertilisers, and re-invests in corn planting to achieve resource recycling, which can simultaneously reduce the environmental impacts of resource consumption and waste disposal. As the products of Inner Mongolia Company are mainly pharmaceutical ingredients, they require fewer packaging materials throughout the production chain. Inner Mongolia Company is also committed to reducing the use of packaging materials and optimising the use of resources, subject to the relevant packaging requirements. Inner Mongolia Company continues to conduct research and application of production technology optimisation on the circular economy industrial chain, and strives to reduce resource consumption and enhance energy resource use efficiency while increasing output. Regarding the 6-APA fungus growing, Inner Mongolia Company has gradually applied it to various plants, successfully shortened the fermentation cycle of the fungi, and reduced the energy and resource investment in the fermentation cycle. Circular Economy Industrial Chain Corn Planting Corn Fermentation 6-APA Intermediate Products Organic Fertiliser Fungi Residue Amoxicillin Bulk Medicine 10.5.3 Training in Environmental Protection Employees' awareness of environmental protection is an important part of the Group's efforts to maintain green operations. Therefore, Inner Mongolia Company attaches great importance to the environmental protection training of employees and carried out environmental protection education and training according to the annual environmental protection training plan during the Year. This enabled employees to understand the environmental impacts that may be triggered by the company's business and corresponding mitigation measures and strengthened employees' awareness of environmental protection. According to the plan, each new employee will be arranged to receive new employee training in environmental protection knowledge so as to let them acquire the most fundamental knowledge of Inner Mongolia Company's environmental issues. For environmental protection specialists, Inner Mongolia Company provides targeted training. The content covers the interpretation of legislation and related emission standards such as Emission Standard of Air Pollutants for Pharmaceutical Industry, pollution control situation, hazardous waste storage standards and emergency plans for environmental emergencies. For the methods of pollution treatment and sampling, InnerMongolia Company also arranges relevant training such as the standardized setting of exhaust gas sampling ports, explanation of wastewater treatment process and emergency response drills for sudden soil pollution accidents to ensure that personnel understand the treatment process and reduce the pollution of the business to the environment. Through written and oral examinations, Inner Mongolia Company can clearly understand the learning outcome of employees. Upon completion of the training, Inner Mongolia Company will issue a training outcome evaluation questionnaire to employees to collect opinions and analyse the training content and effectiveness in order to make improvement on the course. In addition, there are written and oral assessments at the factory level to ensure that employees can grasp and apply their knowledge of environmental protection. During the Year, in order to support the national carbon reduction target, Inner Mongolia Company also arranged training for employees on carbon asset management strategies and practices to understand the knowledge of carbon emission rights. In addition, the Inner Mongolia Company organizes Annual Environmental Protection Knowledge Competition to further promote the dissemination of environmental knowledge and regulations, and enhance employees' awareness and proficiency in environmental protection at The United Laboratories. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited