ESG Report 2023

113 11.3.3 Poverty Alleviation The Group is actively helping impoverished families in remote areas. In the Year, the Labor Union of Inner Mongolia Company, in collaboration with the Linhe District Federation of Trade Unions, launched the first "Clothes with Deep Affection, Spreading Love" clothing donation charity event. " Clothes with Deep Affection, Spreading Love" Clothing Donation Charity Event The Labor Union of Inner Mongolia Company, in collaboration with the Linhe District Federation of Trade Unions, launched the first "Clothes with Deep Affection, Spreading Love" clothing donation charity event. After thorough preparations, the labor union mobilized volunteers to collect over 3,000 pieces of clothing in donation boxes placed in residential areas. The collected clothing was carefully cleaned, disinfected, and promptly sent to the Linhe District Love Donation Centre for the convenience of the disadvantaged workers and the public to select according to their needs. Some of the thicker clothing items were sent to impoverished mountainous areas by the district's Love Donation Centre. 11.3.4 Building a Better City Together Assisting in building a civilized city and constructing a beautiful home is an inescapable responsibility of the Group. Under the guidance of the company's labour union and Youth League Committee, Zhuhai Company's Volunteer Association carried out the "Assisting in Building the City" volunteer service activity to contribute to the creation of a civilized city. The Group will also strictly fulfill its corporate environmental responsibility and encourage employees to participate in environmental volunteer public welfare activities to contribute to environmental protection and achieve the unified goal of environmental protection and development. Environmental Cleanliness: Combining Education with Enjoyment In this golden October, during the pleasant autumn season, the Group organized a birthday activity for the October celebrants at Yangguangzhu Beach in Zhuhai. The theme of the activity was "Beautifying the Environment, Starting with Ourselves", focusing on a beach environmental cleanup for public welfare. Upon reaching the destination, volunteers eagerly picked up their tools and enthusiastically began their cleaning efforts. Some cleared away litter on the beach, while others removed weeds from the surroundings. Some volunteers inspected and cleared sharp objects from the beach, and so on. The teamwork and collaborative spirit among the participants exemplified their support and concern for environmental protection through tangible actions. Soon, they harvested three large bags filled with the "spoils" of their efforts and sorted them based on recyclability. As they witnessed the gradually cleaner golden beach, despite the sweat they shed, everyone felt a sense of satisfaction and contentment, expressing their joy through smiles. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited