ESG Report 2023

116 37.4 ( 76 ) 40.2 ( 81 ) 30 . 0 ( 66 ) 24.3 (76) 23.2 ( 68 ) 562 , 649 50.0 ( 95 ) 51 . 9 (96 ) 48 . 8 ( 95 ) 67.2 (98) 54.7 ( 100 ) 730 , 021 137 50 27 3 42 9 3 2 Notes: 1. Major suppliers are identified by purchase amounts of the suppliers for all the production sites of the Group. Unless otherwise stated, environmental data covers only the production plants of Inner Mongolia Company as it is the Group’s production base of largest scale and production. We will continue to monitor the environmental impacts of related operations and will include relevant environmental data in future reports as appropriate. During the Year, the Group did not have any confirmed violations or complaints relating to environmental protection that had a significant impact on the Group. 204 120 14 27 , 426 0.75 194 , 684 5 . 31 1 0 653 . 00 0 2 , 114 . 00 1 984.25 119 36 21 3 26 6 24 2 1 284 149 22 23 , 701 0.48 281 , 811 5 . 69 36.0 (75) 50.7 (96) 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 2021 2022 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Basic level By employee level Senior Middle level Average number of training hours (hours) and percentage of employees trained (%) Male By gender Female Total number of training hours (hours) Indicators 40.2 (94) 40 . 5 ( 95 ) 41 . 7 ( 93 ) 52.7 ( 100 ) 48 . 3 ( 100 ) 548 , 728 East China South China Central China North China Southwest China Northwest China Northeast China By geographical region 1 Number of major suppliers Outside of China Supplier Management Number of working days lost due to work-related injuries Number of work-related deaths Occupational Health and Safety Indicators Indicators Indicators Environmental Management 3 Total non-hazardous waste Non-hazardous waste produced per tonne of products 4 Total hazardous waste Waste (tonnes) Hazardous waste produced per tonne of products Sulphur oxides ( SO X ) Particulate Matter ( PM ) Nitrogen oxides ( NO X ) 1, Exhaust gas (tonnes) 2 522 401 64 38 , 828 0 . 91 246 , 950 5 . 81 33 21 5 21 6 23 2 0 111 41.0 (95)