ESG Report 2023

1 , 481 , 113 1 , 245 , 851 232 , 415 2 , 847 34 . 83 Greenhouse Gas (tones of CO e) 2 Total emission 5 Scope 1 – direct emissions Scope 2 – energy indirect emission 6 Scope 3 – other indirect emission 7 Emission of greenhouse gas per tonne of products 117 3 , 256 , 904 2 , 976 , 834 2 , 976 , 663 135 . 66 4 , 970 , 837 13 , 286 , 551 Notes: 1.The standard of exhaust gas based on the amount of air emission stated on the pollutant discharge license. The parameter standard for exhaust gas: Nitrogen Oxides (Nox): 820, Sulphur Oxides (Sox): 805, Particulate Matter (PM): 246. 2.The sources of exhaust gas emission includes the exhaust gas emission from production and vehicles. The data is calculated based on the actual amount of emission and the Reporting guidance on Environmental KPIs published by HKEX. 3.The data refers to the actual amount of non-hazardous wastes generated. 4.The data refers to the actual amount of hazardous waste generated. 5.Sources of Scope1 – direct greenhouse gas emission includes the fuel combustion for stationary sources and vehicle, and the consumption of refrigerants, while the reduction of greenhouse gas comes from tree planting in the production plant. The data is calculated based on the Chinese national standards GB/T32151.10 - 2015 Requirements of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting – Part 10: Chemical production enterprise and the Reporting guidance on Environmental KPIs published by the HKEX. The conversion factors used in the calculation of emissions from the combustion of fuels in stationary sources, vehicles, and refrigeration and air conditioning equipment are based on the “Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Chemical Production Enterprises” and “Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Land Transportation Enterprises” provided by the National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC") as well as the Sixth Assessment Report provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). 6.Sources of Scope2 – indirect greenhouse gas emission of energy includes the greenhouse gas emission involved in purchased electricity. The data is calculated based on "2021Carbon Dioxide Emission Factor of Electricity" issued by the Ministry of Ecology and Environment of PRC and National Bureau of Statistics of China on 12th April 2024. The conversion factors used in the calculation are based on the Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Enterprises, Power Generation Facilities (Revised in 2022), page 11. 7.Sources of Scope3 – other indirect greenhouse gas emission includes the greenhouse gas emission generated from employee business air travel, electricity used for fresh water processing by the Water Services Department and sewage processing by the Drainage Services Department, and greenhouse gas emissions from paper disposal. Carbon emissions from employee business air travel are calculated using the carbon emissions calculator of the International Civil Aviation Organization. Carbon emissions from the electricity used for fresh water processing by the Water Services Department and sewage processing by the Drainage Services Department are calculated based on the research published by Tsinghua University in "China Urban Water Supply System Energy Consumption Study" and the statistical analysis and quantitative identification of the energy consumption law of urban sewage treatment plants in China published by Tsinghua University and the National Urban Water Supply and Drainage Engineering Technology Research Center. The carbon emissions from paper disposal are calculated based on Appendix 2 of the "Environmental Key Performance Indicators Reporting Guidelines" published by the HKEX. 8.The calculation of total energy consumption includes fuel combustion for stationary sources and vehicle, and purchased electricity. The data is calculated based on the Guidelines for Accounting and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions of Road Transport Corporation (Trial) issued by the National Development and Reform Commission of the People's Republic of China, the Chinese national standards Gb17930 - 2016 Gasoline in Vehicles and the Chinese national standards GB/T32151.10 - 2015 Requirements of the greenhouse gas emissions accounting and reporting – Part 10: Chemical production enterprise. The conversion factors used in the calculation of fuel consumption for staionary equipment (including production, cafeteria, and heating), vehicle fuel consumption, and purchased electricity consumption are based on the “Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Chemical Production Enterprises” and “Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Land Transportation Enterprises” provided by the National Development and Reform Commission ("NDRC"), as well as the Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions Accounting and Reporting for Enterprises, Power Generation Facilities (Revised in 2022), page 11. 9.The data refers to actual water consumption record. Total water consumption did not increase due to increased production and full production throughout the year due to process improvements and vigorous promotion of recycling in each workshop of Inner Mongolia Company. 10.The saved volume of purchased water is the amount of water saved through water reuse. During the Year, Inner Mongolia Company operated a water reuse system throughout the year and the volume of water reused was higher than that of the previous year, resulting in an increase in the saved volume of purchased water. 11.The data is based on the Group's actual usage records of packaging materials. 280 , 070 280 , 070 88 . 88 171 1 , 963 383 8 , 023 , 456 98 2 , 444 4 , 858 , 007 4 , 327 , 601 4 , 327 , 355 126 . 05 6 , 429 , 002 17 , 961 , 933 530 , 407 530 , 407 98 . 09 246 2 , 734 491 10 , 434 , 312 148 3 , 372 1 , 216 , 069 965 , 987 247 , 666 2 , 416 33 . 19 1 , 793 , 319 1 , 412 549 , 377 , 650 3 , 120 36 . 21 2021 2022 2023 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Indicators Water consumption per tonne of products 9 Total consumption 3 Water Consumption (m ) 9 Amount of reclaimed water Indirect energy consumption Purchased electricity Energy consumption per tonne of products Fuel combustion for vehicles Paper products Consumption of packaging materials per tonne of products (kg) Plastic products Paper products Packaging materials Consumption Total consumption (tonnes) 11 Plastic products 10 Amount of purchased water saved Metals Metals Energy Consumption (MWh) 8 Total consumption Direct energy consumption Fuel combustion for stationary sources 138 . 74 5 , 900 , 247 13 , 686 , 190 262 , 823 262 , 823 96 . 59 423 2 , 132 499 9 , 393 , 307 51 10 . 46 53 . 56 2 . 67 9 . 91 55 . 20 2 . 98 11.73 50.13 1 . 20 2 , 682 4 , 107 , 517 3 , 844 , 693 3 , 844 , 271