ESG Report 2023

12 1 Environmental Compliance . 2 Exhaust Gas Management . 3 Fleet Emissions Management . 4 Greenhouse Gas Emission . 5 Waste Management . 6 Energy Consumption . 7 Use of Water Resources . 8 Green Energy Project . 9 Ecological Protection . 10 Change . Responding to Climate 11 of Environmental Incidents . Prevention and Handling Through the above materiality assessment process, the Group finally identified 8 important ESG issues. The following table lists the major ESG issues determined based on the assessment conducted by the Group and their corresponding sections in the report. 31 Charity . 32 Promotion of Community Development . 33 Promotion of the Development of Pharmaceutical education . 34 Medical Accessibility . 12. Employment Compliance 13 Remuneration and Benefits . 14 Working Hours and Rest Period . 15 Diversity and Equal Opportunity . 16 Occupational Health and Safety . 17 Training and Development . 18 Prevention of Child Labour and Forced Labour . 19 Operational Compliance . 20 Procurement Practices . 21 Quality Management . 22 Customer Health and Safety . 23 Responsible Sales and Marketing . 24 Customer Service Management . 25 Protection of Intellectual Property . 26 Research and Development . 27 Information Security . 28 Customer Privacy Protection . 29 Anti-corruption . Corresponding Perspectives Environment Employment and Labour Practices Community Investment Material Issues 30 Risk Management of Supply Chain . Environment Employment and Labour Practices Operational Practices Green Development 1 Environmental compliance . 2 . Exhaust gas management People-Oriented 12 16. Occupational Health and Safety . Employment Compliance 19. 22. Customer Health and Safety 25 Operational Compliance . Protection of Intellectual Property 26. Research and Development Normalizing Healthiness Effective Governance Operation Practices Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited