ESG Report 2023

16 As of December 2023, the Group had a total of 39 projects in the pipeline for the development of generic drugs and new drugs, including 24 chemical drugs and 15 biological preparations. Among these projects, 7 have entered the clinical stage, 4 are awaiting clinical trial approval for production, and 28 are in the pre-clinical research stage. Furthermore, the Group actively responds to the national requirements for consistency evaluation of generic drugs, with a total of 16 projects having obtained approval for consistency evaluation and an additional 14 projects in progress. The Group currently has several key research and development products, as shown in the chart above (Products in R&D), and it is expected that these products will lay a solid foundation for the Group's sustainable development in the future. In addition, building upon the foundation of excellent product quality, production processes, and equipment, the Group actively seeks breakthroughs and strives for efficiency. We have successfully achieved numerous scientific research outcomes, not only providing the public with more high-quality pharmaceutical products but also enhancing the operational and production efficiency of the Group. 31 UBT251 is a long-acting GLP-1/GIP/GCG triple receptor agonist that simultaneously targets the glucagon- like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor, glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptor, and glucagon (GCG) receptor. It regulates appetite and energy metabolism, reduces blood glucose and body weight, and improves liver steatosis. Currently, it has obtained clinical trial approval in China for the indications of type 2 diabetes, weight management, and NASH. Clinical trials for type 2 diabetes and weight management indications have also been approved in the United States. The Company is the first enterprise in China and the second enterprise in the world to be approved for the clinical trials of a long-acting triple agonist of GLP- 1/GIP/GCG prepared by chemical synthetic polypeptide. Approval of Clinical Trial for UBT251 Injection Liraglutide injection is a glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) analog used for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. GLP-1 analogs act on pancreatic β-cells in a glucose-dependent manner, increasing insulin secretion, stimulating β-cell proliferation and differentiation, suppressing appetite and food intake, delaying gastric emptying, effectively controlling blood glucose levels in diabetic patients, and reducing the risk of hypoglycemia. Acceptance of Product Launching Application for Liraglutide Injection R&D of Diabetes Drugs R&D of Small Molecule Innovative Drugs TUL01101 is a small molecule selective inhibitor of Janus kinase 1 (JAK1) intended for the treatment of moderate to severe atopic dermatitis. JAK inhibitors are a newly developed drugs for AD treatment, offering advantages such as proven efficacy and relatively lower side effects. JAK inhibitors regulate the JAK-STAT signaling pathway by blocking the JAK family, thereby interrupting cytokine signaling, reducing the synthesis and secretion of inflammatory mediators, and inhibiting the occurrence and development of inflammation. This mechanism provides relief and treatment for atopic dermatitis. While oral JAK1 inhibitors for atopic dermatitis have been approved and marketed globally, there are no JAK1 inhibitor independently developed by Chinese company has been approved for marketing. Approval of Clinical Trial for TUL01101 Tablets TUL12101 is a new generation of small molecule RASP (Reactive Aldehyde Specie) inhibitor developed by the Company for the treatment of dry eye syndrome. RASP is a pro-cytokine mediator of inflammation. By binding to thiol and amine residues on proteins, it enhances the release of cytokines and activates inflammasomes, and it can also bind to class A scavenger receptors (SR-A1/CD204) to produce pro- inflammatory effects. Existing research suggests that by reducing the levels of RASP on the ocular surface, it is possible to rapidly and effectively improve symptoms and signs of dry eye syndrome, such as tear secretion, conjunctival redness, dryness, and stinging sensation in patients. As a RASP inhibitor, TUL12101 can covalently bind free aldehydes and reduce excessive RASP levels, rapidly reduce the content of active aldehydes in the eye, relieve inflammation and break the vicious cycle of inflammation, thereby achieving the purpose of treating dry eye syndrome. At present, there are no other products with the same mechanism on the market in China or abroad. Approval of Clinical Trial for TUL12101 Eye Drops Annual R&D Results Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited