ESG Report 2023

Furthermore, in order to effectively enhance employees' awareness of integrity and business ethics, the Group has established “The United Laboratories Employees’ Code of Integrity and Self-Discipline” in accordance with laws, regulations and the Company's own circumstances. The Code clearly defines improper conduct and itemizes the declaration of interest and filing procedures of operating business or commercial activities. We have also established a clean supervision mechanism and penalties to reduce the possibility of employees performing misconduct when operating business or commercial activities. Before participating in business or commercial activities, employees need to report to their superiors' and obtain their superiors' consent. If the receipt of gifts cannot be rejected during the event, the employee must report to their superiors, and the received items should be handed over to the Administrative Department for registration and storage, and handled in accordance with the system. Employees are forbidden from setting up of barriers, or collecting “service fee” and other illegal operations involving commercial bribery, unfair competition or seeking personal improper benefits. The partners of The United Laboratories have the responsibility to resist and report The United Laboratories employees’ violations of the declared behaviour. 03 Encourage polite behaviour in business interactions and resolutely oppose commercial bribery that imposes or attempts to improperly affect the relationship between the parties through the provision of gifts or commissions or other form of private benefits. 04 Partners are required to abide by the laws and regulations related to anti-corruption and anti-unfair competition and the Integrity Cooperation Agreement, and firmly oppose the transmission of improper benefits for the opportunity in terms of provision of products or services, or for any preferential treatment in competitions. If there is a violation, the cooperative relationship will be immediately terminated and the company will be blacklisted. 05 29 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited 01 Advocate a “Friendly, Responsible, Hardworking and Highly Efficient" team atmosphere, maintain a clean and healthy working environment, and encourage employees to abide by the laws and behave morally and honestly. 02 Employees are required to abide by the relevant work ethics regulations such as the “Employee Handbook” and “The United Laboratories Employees’ Code of Integrity and Self-Discipline” to ensure fairness , impartiality and transparency in the cooperation process between the two parties.