ESG Report 2023

The Group’s quality management system was implemented in accordance with the National Quality Management System Requirements. The management system includes a series of comprehensive procedures, such as the warehousing, storage and distribution procedures of raw and auxiliary materials and finished products, so as to implement strict quality control of all types of raw and auxiliary materials and finished products. During the receipts of raw and auxiliary materials, the acceptance personnel must confirm that the supplier is a qualified supplier, and shall check the completeness of the packages, batch number, specifications, storage condition and production date of the batch of raw and auxiliary materials item by item. To ensure the health and safety of raw materials, we would enter into quality assurance agreements with suppliers and require them to provide relevant safety evaluation reports. Storage of materials is also an important step in the production process. To ensure proper storage of materials, the Group has also formulated relevant regulations on warehouse storage, temperature and humidity control, etc., so as to arrange a suitable storage environment according to the features of materials. As for transportation, we have entered into quality assurance agreements with the commissioned logistic company to guarantee the quality and compliance of products upon delivery to market. The Group has established an effective quality risk management procedure, applicable to various activities of pharmaceutical product quality management within the company and to various quality risks that exist or may potentially arise throughout the life cycle of the products. This procedure is designed to guide the identification, analysis, evaluation, control, review, and communication of risk factors in the quality management process of pharmaceuticals, covering the entire life cycle from research and development, technology transfer, commercial production, to product discontinuation. Its purpose is to effectively implement risk management, reduce risk damages, and ensure the safety and efficacy of pharmaceutical products. 37 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Communi -cation and consultation Risk analysis Risk assessment Risk treatment What might go wrong? Risk Identification A quantitative or qualitative risk (subnode) Whether the risk is acceptable? Risk assessment Initiate Risk Management Process Monitor and review Record and report Select the most appropriate risk response plan and implement it