ESG Report 2023

Quality Management Training In order to further enhance employees' quality management capabilities and awareness, the Manager of the Quality Assurance Department organized an engaging and vibrant Quality Management Training Conference. The theme of this training conference was "How to be a Good QA," which attracted active participation from many employees. During the training, the Manager of the Quality Assurance Department explained the concepts and principles of quality management and analyzed the pain points of current QA work. They systematically explained what it takes to become a qualified QA, what tasks should be done, and how to excel in them. The manager emphasized the importance of lifelong learning, stating that developing an awareness of quality management requires continuous knowledge input and the application of enhanced skills to one's job. Furthermore, they emphasized the need for specific job assessments, intrinsic motivation, and the transformation of everyone into a QA. Quality management is not only about product quality control but also a systemic engineering approach that requires the participation and collaboration of all personnel. Additionally, the manager encouraged everyone to focus on quality in their daily work and strive for continuous improvement. At the end of the meeting, all colleagues in the Quality Assurance Department participated in an assessment test. This assessment not only evaluated their understanding and mastery of job-related tasks but also provided a comprehensive evaluation of their own competence. It served as a means to identify areas for improvement, fill in knowledge gaps, and become better QAs in future work endeavors. 7.1.4 Product Labelling and Description The Group has formulated and implemented relevant management systems for label packaging materials in accordance with laws and regulations. All package inserts and labels comply with the requirements in the “Provisions on the Administration of Pharmaceutical Directions and Labels” and are subject to examination, filing and approval by the National Medical Products Administration. The Group has formulated internal policies, stipulating that pharmaceutical labels and package inserts must meet relevant requirements. Pharmaceutical labels must itemise the drug name, ingredients, use of drug, directions and dosage, production date and other relevant information to let users understand the usage and risks of the pharmaceuticals. Apart from pharmaceutical labels, the Group also formulates requirements for packaging labels on transportation, storage use and active pharmaceutical ingredients. For example, such packaging labels must indicate the pharmaceutical name, number of packages, expiration date, storage and transportation precautions and other necessary information to avoid incidents affecting drug quality due to improper transportation and storage. Besides, package inserts must contain details of the pharmaceutical's directions, data and information showing its safety, effectiveness and adverse drug reactions, so as to guide users to take the pharmaceuticals correctly and reasonably. The Group will constantly monitor the use of the pharmaceuticals, and will submit applications to the National Medical Products Administration to amend package inserts when necessary, so as to provide users with the best pharmaceutical information and description. At the same time, the Group has also set up management procedures for plate making, printing, and acceptance of product labels, manuals, and printed packaging materials. The Quality Management Department will carry out acceptance and inspection work at every step, from the drafting, sample printing to printing of product labels, manuals and packaging materials. This ensures that all the materials will be put into the factories for use without errors, and minimizes the possibility of product quality problems caused by printing errors. Provisions on the Administration of Pharmaceutical Directions and Labels Relevant Laws and Regulations Pharmaceutical Description and Labelling Aspects Internal Policies 41 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited Product Manual Modification Management Procedure Product Manual Acceptance Standards Product Label Acceptance Standards