ESG Report 2023

During this training initiative, a total of 2,694 sales personnel were trained, with a cumulative training duration of 371.5 hours. The training covered compliance guidelines, regulatory requirements, and special considerations for drug advertising during the pandemic. Through these trainings, sales personnel not only strengthened their understanding of regulations but also learned how to effectively promote products in special circumstances. We believe that through this series of training measures, the sales team's professional capabilities and compliance awareness will be further enhanced. We will continue to provide ongoing training opportunities for sales personnel, ensuring that they follow best practices and deliver high-quality products and services to our customers. In the Year, the Group did not receive any complaints or legal proceedings related to misleading or deceptive consumer advertising content. Summary of “Sales Code of Conduct” To strengthen employee management, regulate the behavior of sales personnel, and improve employee quality, the Group has formulated this policy. 01 Comply with and uphold national laws, regulations, and policies. Adhere to the relevant rules and regulations established by the company. Show care for the company and have a passion for one's job. 02 Strive for continuous learning and improve personal comprehensive qualities. Approach work with i n i t i a t i v e , e n t h u s i a sm , a n d professionalism. Maintain a polite and respectful attitude towards customers. 03 Familiarize oneself with the company's product knowledge and sales management system. Combine market analysis to identify the market positioning of products and enhance awareness of sales risk control, maximizing the promotion of company products for optimal profitability. 04 During the course of conducting business, if sales personnel violate laws, regulations, or the company's established rules and regulations, and their actions harm the company's interests, penalties or termination of employment will be imposed based on the severity of the situation. 05 Adhere to the principle of customer orientation and safeguard the collective interests of the company. 06 It is strictly prohibited to intentionally provide false market information or handle i n c i d e n t s b e y o n d o n e ' s authority. Depending on the severity of the situation and the losses incurred by the company, warnings or demotions will be given as disciplinary measures. 07 43 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited