ESG Report 2023

Summary of “Compliance Promotion Guidelines” Employees engaging in academic activities and after-sales service must comply with relevant national laws, regulations, and policies. 01 Organizing academic conferences requires submitting an application specifying the conference type, scale, time, location, theme, participants, and budget. The conference budget should be confirmed by department heads and approved by the finance department. 02 For organized academic conferences, supporting documents such as the conference agenda, attendance list, and on-site photos should be provided for inspection. Expenses related to the conference should be supported by legitimate and valid receipts. 03 P r omo t i o n a l ma t e r i a l s should be produced through the relevant processes of the Cultural Propaganda Department, audited by the Marketing Department and Legal Department, and then d i s t r i bu t ed . Gene r a l l y, r e g i o n a l / d e p a r t me n t a l production of promotional materials is not allowed. 04 1. Promotional materials used for public display, publicity at business events, and exhibitions require the company to apply for advertising approval. 2. Unverified data or descriptions, as well as promotional statements beyond the scope, should not be used. 3. Unauthorized fonts or images from third-party collaborators should not be used. 4. Assertions or guarantees regarding efficacy or safety should not be included. 5. Content related to free giveaways, sales with prizes, bundled sales, or gift promotions should not be included. 05 1. All promotional materials should be displayed and used according to the approved content, purpose, and usage, without arbitrary alterations. 2. Prescription drug advertisements should not be publicly displayed in promotional materials. 3. Promotional materials for over-the-counter drugs and health products with approved advertising license numbers may be displayed in permitted scenarios. 4. Promotional materials used solely for internal training, academic conferences, and similar purposes should be promptly retrieved after the event. 06 During the collection, storage, transmission, and deletion of patient information, employees must comply with national laws and regulations, as well as the company's management system a n d r e l e v a n t s t a t eme n t s regarding personal information protection. 07 Charitable donations are limited to organizations or entities with legal personalities. Donations to departments or individuals within any organization are not allowed. 08 D u r i n g t h e c o l l e c t i o n , s t o r a g e , transmission, and deletion of patient information, employees must comply with national laws and regulations, as well as the company's management system and relevant statements regarding personal information protection. 10 1. Donations should be made in the company's name and require a donation agreement signed between the company and the recipient organization. The agreement should specify the type, quantity, quality, value, purpose of the donated property, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties. 2. If the donated items are pharmaceutical products, relevant national regulations on quality control must be followed to ensure that the quality of the drugs meets manufacturing standards and that the remaining shelf life is at least 6 months. 3. Charitable donations should not be linked to the company's sales business. It is strictly prohibited to use recommendations, procurement, usage of company products, or any other form of benefits as a condition for donation. 09 44 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited