ESG Report 2023

Summary of “Supplier Code of Conduct” Supplier shall not employ individuals under the age of 16, unless permitted by national or local laws and in accordance with the principles of the International Labour Organization. When employing individuals who are 16 years of age but under 18, the Group shall ensure that their working environment and hours comply with national or local laws and regulations. 01 Supplier shall fairly remunerate and provide benefits to all employees in accordance with applicable laws, ensuring fairness and impartiality. 1. Supplier shall ensure that all paid working hours meet at least the minimum legal wage or the higher local industry wage standards. 2. Supplier shall pay overtime and bonuses as required by law. 3. Supplier shall provide all legally mandated benefits without any unlawful deductions. 4. Supplier shall communicate verbally or in writing with all employees regarding their wages, rewards, benefits, and bonuses, as well as their rights under applicable laws and the terms of their employment. 02 Supplier shall refrain from any form of physical, sexual, psychological, verbal, or other types of harm. Additionally, all employees shall be treated with respect and dignity. The employment terms at Supplier, including hiring, training, working conditions, compensation, benefits, promotions, discipline, termination, or retirement, shall be based on individual qualifications, performance, skills, and experience. Supplier shall ensure that the workplace is free from discrimination based on race, age, gender, social class, political affiliation, religion, marital status, sexual orientation, disability, pregnancy, or any other factors unrelated to job performance. 03 Supplier shall respect the rights of employees to form and join industry or trade unions and have the right to engage in peaceful and lawful collective bargaining in accordance with applicable laws. 04 Supplier shall employ workers on a voluntary basis, refraining from using prison labor or forced labor, and shall not subject employees to physical harm or any other form of compulsory labor. 05 Supplier shall comply with applicable national or local environmental health and safety laws and regulations. Supplier shall continuously strive to improve environmental health and safety performance. 1. Supplier shall provide a safe and healthy working environment, ensuring appropriate living spaces, lighting, temperature, ventilation, and restroom facilities if accommodations are provided by the company. 2. Supplier shall manage the handling of hazardous materials and equipment properly. 3. Supplier shall provide systems and training to help prevent accidents and injuries. 4. Supplier shall take appropriate measures to conserve resources, energy, and avoid waste. 5. Supplier shall handle and dispose of hazardous substances and waste in a reasonable, safe, and lawful manner. 06 Intentional provision of false market information or unauthorized handling of events resulting in losses to the company shall be strictly prohibited, and depending on the severity of the circumstances, warnings and demotions shall be imposed. 07 53 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited