ESG Report 2023

Summary of "The United Laboratories Anti-Corruption Cooperation Agreement” Suppliers shall comply with relevant laws, regulations, departmental rules, and other normative documents related to anti-corruption and anti-unfair competition. 01 Suppliers shall not engage in the following behaviors in order to obtain opportunities to provide products or services to the demand side or to gain preferential treatment in competition with other suppliers: 1. Offering any form of improper benefits, including but not limited to cash, gifts, favors, or opportunities, to any individual or entity. 2. Reimbursing expenses that should be borne personally by employees of the demand side or other interested parties. 3. Providing free or significantly discounted housing, motor vehicles, or facilitating housing renovations, job arrangements for relatives, as well as facilitating foreign travel or trips for employees of the demand side. 4. Engaging in the buying and selling of goods related to cooperative projects with employees of the demand side and their relatives, or acting as intermediaries. 5. Violating the requirements of procurement bidding management of the demand side. 02 Complaint channels: Report hotline: 0760-87133973 Email: Mailing address: No. 12 Jialian Road, Tanzhou Town , Z h o n g s h a n C i t y, Guangdong Province. 03 We believe that we can achieve a sustainable supply chain by building a long-term relationship with our suppliers based on mutual trust. We have developed a comprehensive supplier management programme to assist suppliers to meet our CSR requirements, including adopting a supplier scorecard system to assessing their performance. We work closely with our suppliers to further improve the manufacturing energy efficiency and social aspect of our upstream suppliers. Trainings are provided to all suppliers as a continuous improvement process to facilitate their implementation of any optimization measures, with the training content including anti-corruption, professional ethics, quality management, and work safety. 8.4 Green Supply Chain When selecting new suppliers, we conduct a comprehensive evaluation on the suppliers' industrial standard, reputation, product price, quality of samples, etc. based on the internal principles of “5S”, namely suitable price, suitable place, suitable quality, suitable quantity and suitable time, so as to ensure the overall quality and material quality of the supply chain. Only the suppliers who meet the related requirements can be included in the list of qualified suppliers. In terms of environmental protection, the Group follows the principle of proximity for procurement. Suppliers are concentrated in nearby provinces, which effectively reduces transportation costs and carbon emissions during transportation. At the same time, the Group encourages the selection of suppliers who provide energy-saving products and environmentally friendly products promoted by the state to reduce the impact on the environment. 57 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited