ESG Report 2023

In the Year, The United Animal Healthcare employed 13 management trainees. Looking ahead, we hope to cultivate more outstanding managerial talents through continuous improvement and development of the management trainee system, injecting a steady stream of motivation into the Group's sustainability and growth. Inner Mongolia Company employed 142 management trainees and Industry-University Collaboration - Promoting Win-Win Cooperation in "Industry, Academia, and Research” Leaders from the Chinese Academy of Sciences' Institute of Microbiology visited The United Laboratories, engaging in in-depth discussions on establishing long-term cooperation in the field of synthetic biology. They reached a strategic cooperation framework agreement. The leaders of the Institute provided a brief introduction to their research achievements, talent allocation, and areas of expertise. The United Laboratories provided a detailed presentation on the company's product deployment, talent structure, development plans, research and development needs, and other relevant information. Subsequently, the two parties held detailed discussions on specific collaboration projects and reached a consensus, signing a cooperation agreement. Through the exchange, both parties unanimously agreed that there are extensive prospects and strong willingness for cooperation in areas such as new product development, enhancement of existing products, scaling up new product processes and rapid industrialization, and the cultivation of research and development talents. Through industry-university collaboration and leveraging each other's strengths, the strong alliance formed will promote the practical implementation of "industry, academia, and research", achieve mutual benefits, and fulfill the strategic requirement of high-quality development. The United Laboratories actively promotes employment and makes positive contributions to social development and economic prosperity. In the Year, we signed the "Employment Promotion Commitment" and initiated an employment promotion plan, as detailed below: We will pay high attention to the employment issues faced by vulnerable groups and actively promote inclusive employment. We will collaborate with disability welfare organizations to provide customized employment positions and training opportunities for people with disabilities. Similarly, we will also focus on employment issues faced by veterans, providing them with support and assistance. Addressing employment issues faced by vulnerable groups We will actively fulfill our social responsibilities and contribute to social stability and development. In addition to promoting employment, we will participate in community welfare activities, donate educational resources, and make further contributions to society. Strengthening social responsibility We will collaborate with government departments at all levels to jointly formulate and implement employment-friendly policies, actively participate in relevant activities and projects. We will cooperate with other enterprises and institutions, leveraging advantages in human resources, information, and other aspects, to promote employment together. Strengthening internal and external resource integration We will seek and create employment opportunities through various channels, increase efforts in talent introduction, and attract outstanding talents from both domestic and international sources. At the same time, we will actively participate in campus recruitment and talent markets, providing more job opportunities for graduates and job seekers. Additionally, we will pay attention to issues related to rural labor transfer, providing opportunities for migrant workers to start businesses in their hometowns and find employment in urban communities. Actively expanding employment channels We will create a good working environment and provide generous remuneration and benefits to our employees. By strengthening employee training and career planning guidance, we aim to enhance their professional competence and employability. We will also adopt various methods to motivate employees for innovation and entrepreneurship, providing them with more development opportunities. Providing a favorable employment environment and benefits 61 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited