ESG Report 2023

9.1.4 Employee Diversity The United Laboratories is committed to building a diverse team. The Group makes the best use of its talents and arranges suitable positions for its employees according to their different professional skills, expertise, industry experience, background, race, age and gender, with the goal of creating a team of efficient, service-oriented, learning-oriented, and innovative talents. A breakdown of the Group's staff by gender and age is as follows: 40% 60% Gender Ratio < 30 > 50 30 - 50 Age Distribution 64% 4% 32% The Group also focuses on the proportion of women in the management level of the company, with the goal of avoiding gender homogeneity and ensuring gender equality and diversity in the company's workforce. Our aim is to progressively increase the level of participation of female employees and to create a more gender-balanced work environment. Information on the gender distribution of the Group's management and the hierarchical distribution of female in the management level is as follows: 39% 61% 92% 8% Gender Distribution of the Group’s Management Male Supervisor Level or Above Female Supervisor to Manager Level Female Manager Level or Above Female Supervisor Level or Above 63 Male Female Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited