ESG Report 2023

66 Induction Training Every year, we attract a large number of talents to join the family of The United Laboratories. To facilitate an effective integration of new employees into the work environment and provide necessary training, our branches and departments arrange a number of orientation programmes and activities each year, tailored to the specific jobs and positions of the employees, and designed to best facilitate their adaptation and integration into the team. With diversified and tailored training programmes, it is well ensured that all trainees have received the essential information, resources and skills required for the new position. 9.2.1 Career Development Training for New Employees On July 18, the Group's 2023 New Employee Orientation Ceremony was held at the Zhuhai Company. A total of 859 new employees from Zhuhai Company, Zhongshan Company, Inner Mongolia Company, The United Animal Healthcare, The United Bio-Technology, Zhuhai Sales Company, China Sales Department, and the Group participated in the event. The orientation ceremony was conducted in a blended format, combining online and offline elements. It included informative classroom sessions as well as visits to production workshops and cultural attractions in Zhuhai. This comprehensive approach effectively assisted new employees in transitioning roles, adapting to the corporate culture, and planning their career development. The Human Resources Centre covered four main topics: Introduction to The United Laboratories, Development, Innovation, and Talent, providing new employees with insights into the company's development journey. Through interactive sessions, new employees gained a deeper understanding and familiarity with the organization. Representatives of the new employees expressed their eagerness to quickly integrate into the team, demonstrating their confidence and determination to work diligently and strive for success. Experienced employees shared their own experiences and insights since joining the company, providing guidance for the growth of new employees. Since early July, various departments have conducted training courses for new employees, covering topics such as corporate culture, career development, business etiquette, fire safety, and team building. These diverse and rich training programs aim to facilitate the role transition and integration of new employees into the company. Apart from providing induction training for new employees, the Group also provides targeted job training for them, in which senior employees act as mentors and new employees as mentees. With this mentorship training, the new employees could adapt to their new roles faster and their sense of belonging is increased. Prior to the commencement of the apprenticeship training, the Group provides training on teaching objectives, methods and skills to the mentors to enhance their teaching abilities. During the programme, the senior staff will pass on the skills required for the job and points to note to the new staff. The communication with the new staff will also create a positive working atmosphere, speeding up the new employee's familiarisation with the job skills and enhancing their commitment to work. Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited