ESG Report 2023

Apprenticeship Training Zhuhai Company held a 4-day mentorship training for apprentices in May. A total of 601 new and experienced mentors participated in the training. During this program, new mentors learned methods for guiding and teaching newcomers, while experienced mentors focused on enhancing their emotional management and self-control abilities. The Group provided mentors with guidance on effective mentoring techniques, such as understanding the background and capabilities of apprentices, developing detailed training plans, providing adequate guidance and support, encouraging self- directed learning, and offering timely feedback and evaluations. Through observation, inspection, and communication, mentors were able to promptly identify issues faced by apprentices and provide targeted guidance and recommendations. The mentorship approach and its effectiveness have long been regarded as an efficient pathway for talent development in modern industries. Mentors can assist newcomers in their growth, enabling them to quickly integrate into the team and perform their job responsibilities competently. At the same time, mentors can gain new knowledge and learn communication skills through coaching. It is a mutually beneficial arrangement where both parties learn from each other, contributing to the company's development in a positive way. Professional Development Each of our production sites offers their frontline staff with a training programme tailored to the skills required by their departments and positions. The training is usually delivered by the managers, staff members with professional qualifications or experienced senior employees, and is accompanied by assessments in oral, written or integrated format to ensure that staff master the training content and can apply it in their work. Safety production is the top priority for manufacturers, so we provide training in response to various risks for workshop safety production managers and special operators facing greater safety risks. The training covers regulations on the management of hazardous chemicals, fire safety for chemical companies and safety knowledge for special operations. Quality management is also an important part of production, therefore we provide training on quality risk management and quality inspection for workshop supervisors and quality specialists to strengthen their ability to manage and implement quality assurance. To enhance staff awareness and ability to implement environmental protection, the Environmental Protection Department provides regular training to environmental protection commissioners, covering environmental management system requirements, pollutant discharge standards, hazardous waste disposal requirements, environmental performance assessment schemes and emergency response to environmental emergencies. In addition, for supporting roles such as facility management and engineering staff, we also provide specific training to equip our staff with adequate job skills and competencies to support daily production work. Sales are vital to the Group's business and we are committed to providing our sales staff with excellent marketing and sales training so that every customer can enjoy the quality of our services. The training covers a wide range of marketing techniques and strategies, such as communication channel building, customer needs analysis and customer service training, so as to enhance the sales capability and customer handling skills of our staff. 67 Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited