ESG Report 2023

70 Multiple Training Platforms Further to the conventional training modes, the Group also set up a learning centre in the online mobile office platform system “Smart United Laboratories” to allow employees to conduct online learning with the help of online videos and documents. The Group's Human Resources Centre has set up the “Five Micro-Classes” and “A Lesson A Day” columns to provide training courses on areas such as interpersonal skills and business etiquette. The Audit and Legal Affairs Centre has self-set up a Legal Training column to provide training courses on relevant laws and regulations in daily operations, covering topics such as contract, antitrust compliance and legal risks in advertising. The Marketing Department, Information Centre and other departments of the Group have also held training courses on product and information security. All departments of the Group can upload and share the training courses in the learning centre after review. This will facilitate mutual understanding among departments, widen the horizons and deepen the knowledge base of employees, and create a good atmosphere for self-set directed learning. Smart United Laboratories As a pharmaceutical company, the professionalism of employees is an important factor for the Group to meet the high production demand. In order to enhance the professionalism of employees, the Group encourages and assists employees to participate in re-education programmes to upgrade their academic qualifications, such as upgrading from secondary vocational schools to junior college diploma, or from junior college diploma to undergraduate degrees. During the Year, in order to comprehensively meet the needs of pharmaceutical production, enhance employee professional capabilities, and optimize the company's talent structure, Zhuhai Company collaborated with universities such as Xiangtan University, Hunan University of Technology, and Shunde Polytechnic to offer courses on pharmacy, chemical engineering, bioengineering, electrical engineering and automation, mechanical design and manufacturing, and automation, among others, for on-the-job employees in quality, production, equipment, and IT-related fields. Currently, there are 21 students in the 2021 cohort, 26 students in the 2022 cohort, and 41 students have been admitted to the 2023 cohort. The Group also places great importance on the professional qualifications and skills improvement of its employees. During the Year, Zhongshan Company carried out the assessment of professional and technical titles for talents, with a total of 15 individuals successfully passing the assessment and obtaining certificates at various levels. Among them, 1 person achieved a senior title, 6 people attained intermediate titles, and 8 people received junior titles. 9.2.2 Academic Promotion and Professional Qualification Working Desk Knowledge Centre Library Service Desk Study Centre Document Centre Environmental, Social and Governance Report 2023 The United Laboratories International Holdings Limited